Thursday, December 1, 2011
The "New deal" did not get us out of the great depression, it simply prolonged it. But if you are taught by the liberal professors in our colleges today you will be indoctrinated just as Brdgemon must be. The great depression is only known to be the "Great" depression here as the rest of the world pretty much did not go through it. By "not" having a "new deal" put upon them the rest of the world recovered in a normal fasion as it did not have government "fixing" the problem. When Woodrow Wilson left office in 1921 he left the country in a severe depression. The early 20`s was actually very similar to the great depression here, but the rest of the world did not experience. But by electing 2 conservative presidents in a row it created the "roaring twenties". When President Coolidge continued the same policies of the late President Harding (died in office) the roaring twenties happened as the country seen enormous success. Unfortunatley the stock market became artificially raised as speculators jumped in with both feet and "black Friday " happened as the market needed a correction in the highest form. Black Friday put the entire world in a crises and the Great depression began. The country then elected President Hoover, although a republican he was much more of what we would call a RINO today. The country began experiencing more government control. Instead of continuing the policies that created the roaring 20`s, he began a "bigger " government mentality which maintained the depression. Then electing President Roosevelt (1933) the control became the policy as "The new deal" was put in place. Government control skyrocketed while the the economy sank, unemployment remained near or over 20%, personnel income crashed and the economy never recovered until the start of world war 2 in 1941. So common sense should tell you that "The new deal" was implemented in 1933, it took a World War (1941) to get this country back employed. The "New Deal" did not bring this country out of the great depression. After 8 years of these policies it took the World War to get the country back working and to start growing the economy again. You would have to find a "neutral" professor to be taught this history or as I have myself, talk to historians, professors, do your own research and form your own opinion. If you listen to your liberal professors they basically rewrite history as they preach to you what they WANT you to believe. Thay way you will continue to push the proggresive movement. In many ways we are reliving the 30`s now as this president is following "The big government" mentality. I believe in 2012 we will elect a much more conservative president and the roaring 20`s will again be upon us. Just reversing the policies of this administration will move the economy up at a strong pace.
The great secret in Obamacare is that it already cuts Medicare. The libs like to preach that the republicans want to cut Medicare, yet Obamacare cut 500 billion, then tried to count it twice to make it look like it wouldent cost so much. But the most important part that I see so far is, cutting the "payouts" to Specialty Dr.s who provide treatment to Medicare patients will be cut in half. With this happening Specialty Dr`s will no longer take Medicare patients. Why would a Dr provide a service and not be rightfully paid for his service? Medicare patients will no longer get treatment for cancer, heart problems. Name the problem and unless they have enough money to pay for it themselves they will not be able to see a Dr. How many Seniors know this? How many of us that have elder family members that rely on Medicare to fund these things know this? It is just another "secret" hidden in the lefts lies that its the republicans wanting to kill granny. Obamacare will.
It is time to bring the troops home from Afghanistan. It has been for a long time. The leaders are too corrupt there and the poor people are just suffering. When I say the poor people I mean ALL of the people. The country is very poor and all of the outside resources and funds that come in go directly to the leaders and very little is seen by the people. Speak with anyone that has been there and they will validate all of this and the stories you will hear are not pretty. As far as Iraq. Obama is again just sticking to the Bush policies. The date to bring the troops out of Iraq is the date that Pres Bush put in place years ago. Obama tried for quite a while to extend our stay there but as usual he failed misserably. But he will preach to the duped about how "he" ended the war and liberals will believe him. I can hear them now, "well he dident extend our stay so he ended the war". Although the liberal brain wants to believe it, the fact that he negotiated us staying there shows that he was not just "ending" the war. There were specific things that we and the Iraqi leaders couldent agree with therefore the negotiations failed. Just another failure the dems will call a success. Because they tell the duped that.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
This would be fun. I dont think Obama would ever go for it, but Newt`s plan then is even more fun. He say`s if Obama will not agree to these debates, he will let Obama make his campaign schedule. He will follow Obama everywhere he goes and 4 hours later, respond to every Obama speech. That would be fantastic.
So Obama will not worry about the "working "man this coming election. I`m sure that does not include the big unions as they are already part of the useful idiots he needs to get his "republicans suck" message out. So he has all of the institutions that are sending our kids into debt beyond belief. The proffesors will then indoctranate those kids to create more useful idiots. Then he will do whats ...he can to keep unemployment high so people need the government to help. More useful idiots. Food stamp recipients will continue to climb, welfare. This is his campaign platform. lol We all know he cant run on his record.
Here you go you 99%`s (should be more like the 47%`s). While your out protesting, you can use this link on your laptop, Ipad, Iphone, or any other device made by the big corporations, to find out it isent the republicans that hold the wealth in this country. So go protest against those lefties you bend over backwards for trying to keep them in power. The "useful idiots" that you are.
Monday, November 28, 2011
It is a sad day in Washington as long time house member Barney Frank has decided to retire. Serving this great country since 1981 for the 4th congressional district in Massachusetts, some will be very sad to see him leave. In his honor during the beginning of the holiday season. I would like everyone to hear this song. Dedicated to you Barney.
Liberals and conservatives alike. Democrats and Republicans. We all are tired of the Washington politicians going to Washington, gaining power, then seemingly never leaving. But it is the game that goes on there that hurts every American. The games they play would put the rest of us in jail. Ask Martha Stewart. This problem has happened under all presidents however the flood gates of taxpayer dollars has been wide open under the leadership in Washington now. Ocuppy Wall street protestors claim to be fighting for the 99%. However it is amazing how they so strongly support this administration and his policies. This book (of course ows and Dems who are dems first will never read it) highlights many of the dealings in Washington these days. Politicians there "fix" the system to line their pockets and to line the pockets of their biggest campaign donars as well. Campaign donars who are the millionaires and billionaires the dems like to have the so called (99%) protest against. Duping the dopes will never end as long as they remain the "useful idiots" that they are. Republicans alike are involved as well, however when the president gets 780 billion in stimulus, cries for more and more tax dollars because the "rich" are not paying enough, then passes these funds directly to the millionaires and billionaires he claims are hurting the country. This practice must end. For all of the politicians involved in what should be considered criminal practices. I say. " Throw Them All Out".
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a bass boat below. She shouted to him, ‘Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am. The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, ‘You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.’ She rolled her eyes and said, ‘You must be a Republican.’ I am,’ replied the bass fisherman. ‘How did you know? Well,’ answered the balloonist, ‘ everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, now I‘m more lost thanks to you.’The man smiled and responded, ‘You must be a Democrat.’ ‘I am,’ replied the balloonist. ‘How did you know?’ Well,’ said the bass fisherman, ‘you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it’s my fault.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Still waiting to see all of the positive things Obama and the dems have accomplished which could convince us to vote democrat. The Dems cant and wont run on their record. They will simply try to convince us somehow it was "Bush`s" fault. The "republicans" in congress fault. However at the end of the day, there is a record of their accomplishments. To bad for the rest of us they succeeded in them.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Many wonder what the occupy Wall Street movement is all about. Glenn Beck has made an audio montage of ocuppiers around the country and what they are saying about why they are there. Part 1 allows you to hear that the movement is an anti-capitalist movement. Part 2 allows you to hear that violence will no doubt be a part of this movement. Part 3 allows you to hear that there is a strong anti-semitic part to the movement also. The audio shows that they are no fans of the Jewish people or Israel. Motivated by hate and a rascist mentality. Big union has also been a part of the movement and has been behind organizing and funding it. Union members have also taken part in it. However at the end of the day, the people heard on this audio are the ones who are willing to stay and fight for what they want. When the media tells the whole story, I believe that many of the supporting union workers will bow out.
Yes God is a big part of how this country was formed. It is a shame that some have forgotten this point. It is "seperation of church of state" and not "seperation from church and state". Religion has always been a part of this great country since the beginning. Everyone has the right to practice whatever belief they have, our country will just never be ruled by one religion.
The early days of Socialism. I have not done the homework to verify all of the info in this piece are correct, however I have no reason to belive Rush is missleading anyone. I`m sure those on the left see Rush`s name and dont take the history lesson as real. But the liberal rags out there offer no explanation, just act as if Rush is the one making the story political. I`m sure if you take the time to read it you will enjoy it.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A great review of a great new book that is co-written by a writer from the not so conservative N.Y.Times. Keep in mind the one person named to be involved is James Johnson. Picked by president Obama to help pick a VP canidate. It is a great book that I myself will pass along to some of my friends who want to still "blame Bush" for our horrible economy. If you have been on the conservative side of things the past few years you know much of this stuff. However it is great to see it in writing and we need to do our part to spread this book around.
Even with the lame stream media ignoring the true story of the ocuppy movement, the ows crowd are destroying it themselves. No movement can survive when the public sees that it is an extremist movement. The extremists and those of you who are democrats first are the only ones left to support it. The left has tried so hard with the help of the lame stream media to say this about the Tea Party. However every Tea Party gathering is filled with Grandmas and grandpas. Democrats, republicans and independants and they leave the rally site cleaner than when they got there.
The Dow lost 248 yesterday, today will be a struggle again I`m sure. Obama and the Democrats never wanted the super committee to come up with the cuts needed. Now the military will take a huge hit that even slashing fan sec of defense Leon Panetta says will be devatating to the military. The committee was a farce because this is the campaign platform for the democrat party. They cant run on their record, they need to convince the uninformed that the republicans have stopped them from helping the country. Well stimulus after stimulus and Obama just says he needs more stimulus. More taxes which will just cost more jobs. More funds to feed his supporters who will help him in his re-election campaign. It is yet another sad day in our great country, 2012 cant come soon enough.
Monday, November 21, 2011
May God bless our military hero`s. Midnight tonight could be a time when our military budget will be slashed, our savings, retirement accounts and pensions will take a huge hit on Wall Street. This commitee was a bad idea when it started and it will most likely cause great damage in the end. Look for deficit cutters in 2012 and only deficit cutters. Raising taxes is never the answer.
I cant stomach the NY Times really but here is more work by Immelt`s GE. Not only do they not pay taxes, they get tax benifits of billions of dollars. But if you read enough of this it will explain that not only is Immelt in bed with Obama, you will see that a 30 million dollar "donation" to NY city schools will get you these billions of dollars in tax benifits from the tax cheat himself Dem Charlie Rangel. Who just so happens to have been writing the tax laws then. Charlie Rangel no longer has this job because somehow he "forgot" to claim 750,000 in income and avoided paying taxes on it. If you read down far enough you will see that GE has cut 20% of its US work force while hiring aplenty overseas. All this while their offshore profits have gone up 600%. All this by Obama`s "jobs czar". Exactly what the left and the ocuppy people cry about is happening right in front of their eyes by the people they vote for.
My friend Juan said to me the other day, "big corporations are trying to control this country". Here was my response.
That is a talking point lie from the left Juan. They try to convince you of this so they can push more goverment control which just leads us into socialism. If that is what you want than you have your view. Politicians are in bed with big corporations, but that is more of a left thing than a right thing. GE is in Obama`s back pocket because of the "green movement". Who is making a fortune on it? GE. But look at how many jobs GE has lost in the past few years, yet who leads Obama`s "President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board"? Jeffrey Immelt, CEO GE. The tax payers bailed out Fannie and Freddie after the left ignored the warning signs, yet the leaders of these failing tax payer funded programs are receiving tens of millions of dollars in bonuses as we speak. While they are continuing to receive bailouts because they continue to fail. It is the left that is funding these failed government run programs. However corporations are people and that is who creates jobs. The government does not create jobs. If you believe government creates jobs, where do they get the money to do this? Taxes. So they are creating jobs from somebody elses money. The problem is that it can never sustain itself. Socialism has never worked and never will. It is profit that drives business, it is business that creates jobs. Government control takes all incentive to succeed away from people. We grew up with the USSR as a super power. "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". Ask a Russian who fled Russia when the USSR fell apart. Many have come here. I have had a number of convo`s with a few people and have heard the same stories on the radio. The arms race broke Russia as they couldent keep up financially with the US as their country folded underneath them. They took over control of business in the country, they took control of the farms to the point where the farmers left their farms. Why would anyone work a farm all day for no profit? It was then up to the government to run these farms and they had no idea how to do it. That led to the starvation of the country which eventually collapsed the whole thing. Failed socialist countries are all over the world, yet somehow the left keeps preaching how it could work here. They grab at your heartstrings to convince you that "helping" people is the thing to do. Yet somehow poverty just continues to spread.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
New book coming out soon. "Throw em all out". Nice name, nice plan. Reveals many interesting tidbits. Like how Al Gore got legislation, then invested 20 million only to go public and cash in on 80 million. How Obama has many "Solyndra`s" out there. All his buddy`s pocketing millions and billions of tax payer dollars. Should you "Occupy" the White House? Or are you a Democrat first? I dare all Democrats to read this book. Dont "Occupy" anything until you do. When you do, join the "Tea Party".
There will be no cure until the Media (NPR included) get out of bed with the Democrat party. The left does not fear what they say or do, they know it will go mostly unnoticed as the media (NPR included) will not report it. Instead of reporting the news as it is, the media (NPR included) report positive things only about the left, while reporting only negative stories about the right. Until journalists become journalists again, politicians will never change. I look forward to NPR being defunded shortly after the 2012 election. Our tax dollars are being used as political propoganda time for it to end.
Real conservatives are not fans of either of these guys. They are progressives like most in the democrat party. But depleting our military like the left always seems to do is an aweful idea. Expecially in the shape the world is in today. With the Middle East now being run mostly by Mulim Extremists, It will be a hot-bed in the world for years to come.
Total coverup. We dont have an Attorney General right now in our country. Everything is corrupt that AG Holder is involved in. When he himself refers to himself as "The Black Attorney General", we know we have a racially motivated man in a very high position. I for one am proud of the work by Rep Issa and a few others. They are standing strong and will make a difference in the end. They are giving knowledge to those of us listening, we need to show our support and get their word out too..
I urge everyone to post any negative news story about the Occupy folks that you can. Post it everywhere you can. The lame stream media is not telling the real story. We need to get the story out there, then the movement will either fail, or it will just be the extreme people left out there making themselves look like the fools that they are.
They should lock them up along with their parents. I have no need to read the entire story as it is an obvious left wing rag. But uninhibited does not mean it is open to anyone occupying it. It is trespassing. Someone owns that wharehouse and unless these kids (who also have no idea what they are doing) have permission they dont belong there. Peaceful protests are American, this occupy so-called movement is a crime ridden, hateful example of what our great country shouldent be.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
She will always be known as the speaker that exploded the debt in our great country. One of the biggest failures ever and its not even close. From 2006 (when she became speaker) through 2010 (when she was fired) our debt rose almost as much as the debt we had aquired "all through our history". If debt, unemployment, payoffs to push legislation through in the dark of night are what you want from your speaker than you want her. I for one want none of these things and we need to rid Washington of anyone who is remotly close to this failure.
The Princess Nancy Pelosi Group will provide two purposes. First we recognize that Nancy Pelosi deserves to be admired for her accomplishments. She was the first Woman in the US History who became the House Speaker in the House of Representatives. She is always being viciously attack by Fascist News Channel & the RW Crackpots. Second, this Group will also be about re-electing President Obama & VP Biden; about regaining the Majority in the House of Representatives; defending & enhancing the Majority in the Senate.
My liberal friend on Facebook posts articles like this all the time on Facebook. Usually they are just bumper sticker picture and such. But he touched on Israel some here and I have a response that I posted on his post. I thought I`d share. My thought is that this president has no interest nor knowledge about the Iranian nuclear issue because he is a strong supporter of the Palestinians. Israel will have to deal with this problem and they will very, very soon. Then the rest of the world will criticize Israel as they always do. Well the rest of the world should learn to lead like STRONG US presidents do. Israel has no choice but to be strong, everyone around them wants them dead. Well we are next if that ever happens. Any American that doesent support Israel just doesent understand the future of our country when Israel is gone. Israel is the "Little Satan". We are the "Great Satan". These are the views of the leaders of Iran, said over and over again. All you have to do is listen. But you have to want to listen and not just follow blindly the words of the left (including the media) that keep you uninformed so you will work for their agenda.
According to the Republican Debate [Nov 12, 2011] we should do what the Israeli did in 1981; they destroyed Iraq Nuclear Plant on June 7, 1981, but this time we will be destroying the Iranian Nuclear Plant. What happen after the Israelis attacked the Iraq Nuclear?
The Attack was strongly Criticized around the World & Israel was rebuked by the UN Security Council & General Assembly in two separate... Resolutions. The destruction of Osirak has become cited as an example of a Preventive Strike in Contemporary Scholarship on International Law.
UN Security Council Resolution 487, adopted unanimously on June 19, 1981, having noted Representations from Iraq & the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA], the Council condemned an Attack by Israel on a IAEA-approved Nuclear Site in Iraq.
The Resolution went on to call for a Cessation of Hostile Activities, entitled Iraq to Claim for Compensation, & urged Israel to place its Nuclear Facilities under IAEA safeguards.
The Israeli Government was chastised by the UN Security Council. Who was President of the US in 1981? That’s right the deity of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan! The Great Communicator was president of the US! How did the US vote on UN Security Council Resolution 487? They voted in favor of it! They voted to chastise the Israeli Government for taking out Iraq Nuclear Plant.
Israel PM Menachem Begin in charge of the Operation, disembarks from an Aircraft upon his arrival in the US, accompanied by Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan.See More
The Attack was strongly Criticized around the World & Israel was rebuked by the UN Security Council & General Assembly in two separate... Resolutions. The destruction of Osirak has become cited as an example of a Preventive Strike in Contemporary Scholarship on International Law.
UN Security Council Resolution 487, adopted unanimously on June 19, 1981, having noted Representations from Iraq & the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA], the Council condemned an Attack by Israel on a IAEA-approved Nuclear Site in Iraq.
The Resolution went on to call for a Cessation of Hostile Activities, entitled Iraq to Claim for Compensation, & urged Israel to place its Nuclear Facilities under IAEA safeguards.
The Israeli Government was chastised by the UN Security Council. Who was President of the US in 1981? That’s right the deity of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan! The Great Communicator was president of the US! How did the US vote on UN Security Council Resolution 487? They voted in favor of it! They voted to chastise the Israeli Government for taking out Iraq Nuclear Plant.
Israel PM Menachem Begin in charge of the Operation, disembarks from an Aircraft upon his arrival in the US, accompanied by Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan.See More
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Reading this article reminded me of the interview I heard earlier this week with this author. The article says alot, but there were a few more points in the interview that caught my attention. The author was lead to doing his own research about the raid because as he heard President Obama give the details, many things dident add up because he felt Seals dont opperate in some of the ways Obama was desribing. The author claims to have spoken with the Seal members involved in the raid. Another point that caught my attention was when the president met with the Seals, he asked which one pulled the trigger. None of the Seals responded and the author said that none would because Seals work as a team and not individuals. The biggest thing that caught my attention was the author said how dissapointed the Seals were that the president would come out and release the information that he did so quickly. The Seals took laptops and other things from the Osama compound that could be used as intel to help save American lives. With Obama coming out so quickly this info most likely wouldent be of much use. It will be a shame if this president took the biggest accomplishment of his presidency and fabricated the story. There seems to always be lies coming out of the White House, stretching the truth for whatever reason here will be an embarrasment to us all.
As the Penn State football team takes the field today without long time coach Joe Paterno, lets not forget about the victims that have gone unnoticed for years now. Its a sick story and it reminds me of the Catholic Church coverup a few years back. So many people may have known yet somehow, just as the Church was, the University was more important than the children. Clean house, lock whoever needs to be locked up forever and I hope nobody that has been involved with this football program long-term ever works around children again.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Great job Wisconsin. Its too bad for the ones that lost, but holding off the "big Union" attempt to steal and change our election process is a huge step. Only 20 attempts to recall a state representative in the NATION since 1913. "Big Union" has come in to try and recall 6 in this one state so they could "change" the policies of the Governor who himself was voted in. Its time these unions lost their power. They are a downfall to our country and the huge dollars they steal from their members do nothing but finance the corrupt Democrat party.
Monday, August 1, 2011
With the house passing the bill that will "save" our countries future just in time, it appears to me that it was somewhat of a show and its the Same ole story" in Washington. The bill should pass the Senate no problem so we can rest easy tonight because we are safe. Riiiiiight. The August 2nd date was a made up date by the president. His b-day is the 4th, maybe he wanted a travel day, but also the congress is scheduled now to be going on break. This debt ceiling problem has been looming for a year or more. Everyone in Washington knows that. To be as dramatic as it was and still is, its just politics as usual. 2.4 trillion will now be added to the national debt before this president leaves office. He became president in Jan of 09 and the debt stood at 10.6 trillion. It is now well over 14 trillion and this bill will put the debt at 16.8 trillion or so before he leaves office after 4 "spend happy" years. It took 43 presidents to get to 10.6 trillion in debt, this president will add over 6 trillion in 4 years. There are no real cuts in spending in this bill. The budget goes up across the board 7.5% a year automatically. When they say they are cutting 2 trillion. It means they are cutting 2 trillion from the 10 trillion that will already be added to the deficit. If you wonder whether the deficit is important. As they slice up our military spending keep in mind. In 2-3 years the INTEREST alone on our deficit will pay the ENTIRE military expense for the Chinese. The cuts are figured out over a 10 year period. Thats just the #`s game they play in Washington. However, when the next congress is voted in they will vote in their own budget so the #`s we see here mean nothing. None of the cuts in this bill happen before 2013, so a new congress will be voted in before any of this takes place. There will be taxes raised. Every bill is rated by "The Congressional Budget Office". CBO. This bill was rated regognizing that the" Bush tax cuts" will expire in 2012. By expiring this will be the biggest tax hike in history. Obama did extend these cuts last year, however he is constantly wanting to tax the wealthy so it is only logical that when he can, he will be glad to let these tax cuts expire. These tax cuts did not only effect the wealthy, when Obama himself extended them his own words said that if he dident extend them it would cost the average American family 3,000 a year. It is never a good idea to raise taxes when the economy is bad so that is why he extended them last year. If the economy is still bad next year (it will be in my opinion) there is a chance that these tax cuts will be extended again. However there is no re-election worry for this president then, so he will gladly control that money and do what he does best,. Spend it. If he does happen do extend it then congress will have to make up the expense that the CBO figured in as gone, in taxes. So in short. Taxes go up if the Bush tax cuts expire. Taxes go up if they dont. Our country brings in around 2.1 trillion of "revenue". Our tax dollars. Entitlements equal around 2.2 trillion. So we do not bring in enough to cover entitlements let alone the rest of our spending. The Obama stimulous plan started out as being 800 billion but now has the figure at over 1 trillion. This stimulous is now a regular part of our budget. It is an expense that is there to stay unless it is voted out. These funds are used to pay the supporters of Obama. They havent helped this country and we all see they havent added any jobs. When they speak of cuts, why not start there? That would put us back closer to where we were before Obama took office and would certainly be a good start. The truth is they like spending money and controlling us that way in Washington. Hopefully we can continue to wake up. This bill was not a win for The Tea Party. That is a silly dupe by the liberal press. The truth is there isent 1 tea party conservative that voted for this bill. But the lie of the day is, Tea Party bad. They caused this mess. Then it will be a setup for things to come. I can hear Obama a year from now when our country is still in trouble. "Well we did it the Tea Party way and it dident work. Re-elect me and I can continue the great work that I`m doing and we need to get away from these Tea Party extremists." Many among us will be duped because the media is feeding us this lie every day. Well the Tea Party is for cutting spending, capping spending so Washington can get under control. Then balancing the budget like we all have to do. Our country WILL lose its credit rating and we will all in a couple months be hurting because of it. It wont hurt the rich, they have the money. It will hurt us lower and middle class folks that dont have the government filling our gas tanks and buying our food. So pop the champagne in liberal land tonight. But I know If Reid, Pelosi and Obama are voting for any bill, we all need to know it most likely isent good for us.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I recieved an email from a friend and I responded to her.
Friend -- The President spoke Monday night about the need for Congress to come together to meet our financial obligations by raising the so-called "debt ceiling" -- that is, to make sure our country can pay the bills Congress has already racked up. You'd think this would be fairly straightforward. For many years, regardless of party affiliation, presidents have asked Congress to do this when it's been necessary -- and every time, Congress has acted. Just as an example, Congress granted Ronald Reagan's request to raise the debt ceiling 18 different times. Here's what's happening: President Obama proposed the balanced approach of raising the debt ceiling paired with responsible steps to reduce our country's long-term debt -- asking oil companies, corporations, and the richest Americans to do their part rather than placing the entire burden on seniors and the middle class. A deal has been close at times, but an ideological faction of House Republicans has been effectively holding our economy hostage -- making extreme demands like ending Medicare as we know it, gutting Social Security, and rejecting any compromises that might make millionaires or big corporations pay their fair share to get our debt under control. So when President Obama spoke to the nation the other night, he made a suggestion to everyone watching: Call Congress and ask them to do their job. Since then, there have been reports that the flood of calls and emails has been slowing down the phone systems and websites on Capitol Hill. Our records show you have only Democratic representatives in Congress. But House Speaker John Boehner -- who is leading the Republicans in negotiations -- needs to hear what Americans like you think. Call Speaker Boehner's office now at (202) 225-0600 -- and tell him we can't afford to let politics hold our economy hostage. It's time to put ideological demands aside and agree to a balanced approach. Then click here to let us know how it went. Here's what the President said on Monday: "The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government. So I'm asking you all to make your voice heard. If you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit, let your member of Congress know. If you believe we can solve this problem through compromise, send that message." The President doesn't make a direct request of all of us like this very often. Take a minute right now to call Speaker Boehner -- then let us know how it went: Thanks, Messina P.S. -- If you missed it, here's the full video of the President's speech. Watch it and spread the word: |
This email was sent to: My Reponse. Paid for By Obama of America. Enough said. It interesting how Messina made it sound like they were hiswords. Spreading the Obama lies to try and poison the public. It wont happen here because I pay attention. Where exactly is the Obama plan? When has it been voted on? His budget plan did get voted on in the Senate this year and lost 95-0. Not even a single democrat voted for it. He knew then this debt ceiling debate would need to be addressed. His budget plan proved how little he cared about fixing this problem. How about the Senate plan? When has Harry Reids plan been voted on? How can Reid preach to us about his plan and he isent even voting on his own plan? How about a Senate budget plan that hasent happened in 820 days? They dont offer a plan because then they would TELL US what they want. We would then KNOW their agenda. That's why there is no plan, that's why there is no budget. Its ridiculous that the Democrats and this President who put us in this position by spending wildly without a budget for 2 !/2 years now are trying to tell us that its somebody elses fault. The debt ceiling was raised 1.9 trillion Dec 28th 2009. It was then raised again 1.7 trillion in 2010. That is 3.6 trillion that has been spent (waisted) in 19 months. Now the president and dems just want more money to blow without a plan to balance the budget. When will enough be enough to the people who are preaching this presidents views. Our borrowing power is gone. We will be downgraded by S.P. and Moody`s. These rating agencies dont fall for the gimmicks our politicians try to feed us. They see through all of them. We spend to much and right now have no plan to stop. That is why we will be downgraded. The debt ceiling has little to do with it. Interest rates will rise and the country will be effected as we will pay more for everything we spend our money on from our homes to our food. Will that hurt the rich? Of course not. It will hurt all of us who scrape each and every month to eat and keep a roof over our heads. These democrats are doing exactly the opposite of what they say. They are hurting the middle to lower class with these practices. The Tea Party has had enough and they are for stopping this spending spree and BALANCING the budget. To make this out to be some radical cause is just ridiculous. Thank you Doris for the email. I want to know what the other side is saying always. Feel free to forward this email to everyone you know. I enjoy the debate. :) PS: If the democrats were really worried about not defaulting on our debt, those of us on Social Security and our military. They could pass this plan right now. Both houses would vote for it today but Reid will not bring it up for vote and Obama is calling it irresponsible. Rediculous. Here is the link to the Toomey plan. Pat Toomey, a Tea Party republican from Penn fighting to keep SS paid on time. He also put forward a budget that the Senate shot down earlier this year.,0,2320525.story |
Anybody concerned about defaulting on the debt, Social Security payments, or our active duty military families should be on board with this plan. Penn Tea Party Republican has offerered up this plan that will pay these things first in the event there is no debt ceiling raise. Irresposible Mr. President? I think not. It would be irresponsible "NOT" to pay these things first.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The debt ceiling debate goes on. As the debate nears the final days before the world ends, its amazing to me how there are so many lies and distortions out there. Republicans want Medicare to die, republicans want to play games with our countries future. It amazes me because there are only republican options out there. The Boehner plan that will be voted on today was written by Reid and McConnell from the Senate and Reid acts as if he hates it, saying no Democrats will vote for this Tea Party bill. The Tea Party is the new, racist. The new gonna kill Granny. The new republicans are for the rich. All misleading labels used to poison the people. The fact is there arent any Tea Party people or representatives that think this is even a good bill. So the line that it is a Tea Party bill is just foolish. The fact is the Government has a 7.5% raise in spending built into every new budget year. So as they say they are cutting 1 trillion from the budget in the next 10 years it is just a #`s game that they play. They are cutting into the 7.5% that they are raising. Our budget is 3.6 trillion right now. So in ten years if they kept it at 3.6 (which they wont) we will spend 36 trillion and they say they are cutting spending by 1 trillion. Rediculous. Unless we get to a balanced budget this spending will never stop because they want ALL of our money so they can spend happily ever after. Call every Senator and tell them to pass either the Mack penny plan or the already passed Cut-Cap-Balance bill from the house. The games going on in Washington has to stop. Our childrens futures are riding on it.
Gina asked me the other night why my alarm is set for 5:27am every morning. The reason is that it gets my mind focusing in on the day ahead. This polititian was the creator of the law that pushed the 527 groups to pop up and shape our elections since 2002. It was and is horrible legislation from a horrible Republican. Democrats these days are far, far to the left. In my mind "this" is your mom and dads democrat. Now he talks like this about "true" conservatives. He is one of the many that need to go in Washington. Conservatives dont care what you have to say John.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Whatever your opinion is in the debt ceiling debate. Contact anyone and everyone you want to and let them know how you feel. There isent any plan from the White House. The Senate is offering a plan that is based largely on cuts coming from the wars ending. As if those would be cuts. Harry Reid will not allow a vote on the House "passed" plan of Cut-Cap-Balance. There is another plan being offered by Rep Mack from Florida that "does " cut "real" spending, while balancing the budget in 6 years. This plan moves to the top of my list.
Monday, July 25, 2011
WOW. This is interesting, but its only fair right? ESPN reporting that in the new NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement, The league will begin to redistribute talent. Peyton Manning will move to the Cleveland Browns while retired QB Bernie Kosar will be quarterbacking the Colts. Tom Brady will now lead the Buffalo Bills as Joe Furguson takes over the Patriots job. Its not fair to the owners of some teams and their fans so Its time for these quality teams to pay their fair share and lose more. If the talent redistribution doesent work, wins and losses will be redisributed at the end of the season. It is said then that the Democrats in the house will determine playoff teams, the Senate Democrats will determine the playoff winners, while President Obama ultimitley chooses the Super Bowl winner.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I`m not sure if everyone has noticed, but every plan, e v e r y p l a n has been put forward from the republicans. The gang of 6 has been working on their plan for 10 months. 3 dems, 3 reps. Although it has both sides involved it has no chance of being done by the Aug 3rd date. It is a shame that this president has yet again voted "present" on another huge deal for our country. We will all be better off when he can stay at home for good.
lol. Does anyone even listen to these folks anymore? Balancing the budget somehow now equals "kill medicare". Hey Shumer, how about jobs for your great state. You have run your state into the ground. I wish I could have found the audio or video I heard earlier. Its comedy. Its as if they are sooo much smarter than us.
Thank you Atlantis and thank you to all of the people who had made our Space program the best the world has ever had. American exeptionalism takes another big hit today as we no longer lead the world in space. Its estimated that 50,000 jobs could be lost here in Florida. How many in Houston, Alabama? Its a sad day in America. We now will need to grab the coattails of the Russians.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
202-224-3121 This is the switchboard # for ALL of the Senators in Washington. Sen DeMint put it out there yesterday and said for us to call because they do listen. He said dont just call your Senators, call them all. We should all take the time to call every Senator and tell them to pass the Cut-Cap-Balance plan so this problem can be fixed. If the Senate votes it in. The problem lies solely on this president.
I have had my eye on this pretty close because my concern is that the president will again change the rules and NOT pay our Social Security recipients and NOT our military families. His actions would be to try and pin it on the republicans. It is my belief that if you watch it close enough, the republicans have tried over and over to fix this debt problem OR fix the payment problem. Nothing comes from the left except more taxes and lies. Many, many leaders have stated that ss will be paid as it is not an issue at all in this debate and automatically is paid. Many have said the same about the military. 200 billion will be taken in while the debt, ss, military, other expenditures equal about 165 billion. So there is plenty of money to cover the most important needs. There will be some government expenses that will be effected but those is what SHOULD be effected. Stop spending. Cut-Cap-Balance is a nice plan that should be implemented. Call and email everyone in congress to push these politicians into "fixing" this Washington problem.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
The State of Indiana doing great work. This is and will continue to be the "new" America. Conservative State leaders leading the country with examples that simply can not be dissagreed with. Spread these stories far and wide and lets push more conservatives into office in 2012, while removing Obama.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I am not a big fan of this article. I believe it is written to label the Cut, cap and balance bill as a radical bill. Putting the tea party name on it is trying to distract from the issue. The tea party is a movement, it is not a politician. There are tea party type politicians, but they are not the movement. They are representing the constitutional values of the movement. This is a republican plan being put forward by the house. Any time you hear the "tea party" put into any bill it is trying to label the bill as extremist. We need to always point this out.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I hope the people in Minnesota are being careful. With the government being shut down now for 2 weeks, it must be very tough to get around the streets and sidewalks. There has to be dieing, starving senior citiizens all over the streets, sick children must be laying all over the sidewalks. When anybody gets the pictures of the evil Republicans throwing the Minnesota grannys over the cliff please post them.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Remember the Obama birther chaos. If your not born here, you cant be president. But in Durbins mind it might bring the Hispanic vote in for the Dems. It wont be long before the Hispanic vote starts winning elections here. Its all about votes. But we have that problem on both sides. The country doesent matter. Votes are all that matters.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This speaks for itself. Great news in a state that has needed to be fixed. Your Governor is willing, the country is willing, now you in Ohio need to come to the plate. Newt is not my first choice, but any choice is better than the one we have now. Get Conservative Ohio. The future will look much brighter.
Hopefully Boehner wont cave into this tax happy, spend happy president. I hope he knows that he too will be on the list of republicans to defeat if he does. We need our elected republicans to act like republicans and not be a pushover for these aweful democrats running our country. Let your Senators and congressman know how you feel, how you want them to vote. Then support them big when they do.
An update on the gun smuggling campaign. The most anti-gun president our country has ever seen has no problem giving guns to illegals in Mexico. The Attorney General has completely withheld information in the investigation and heads should be roling. This is a aweful thing that is going on in our country and we all need to pay attention and pressure whoever we need to so this type of practice stops at our highest levels.
Time Magazine,,,,, Another bogus media source that should never be read as factual. We all need to be careful where we get our news and our information from. Our constitution is under seige. It is being degraded by the people who are trying to change our history. The 3rd clip is a little long, but if you can stomach the girls on the view you will hear the first ladies words again , nearly word for word, showing that there is an agenda in this White House.
A few things to update the battle in Wisconsin. Lets not let this State down. Governor Walker is fighting the good fight along with the conservative representatives that have been elected there. Help support them in their efforts to lead our great nation and turn around the "big union, class warfare" mentality of the left.
Who in this great country would listen to this devout communist. When we start voting out these politicians and start voting in more conservative canidates, we can then have a "real" conversation on important matters like Social Security. When the masses in Washington worry more about the entitlement programs because they are worried about votes, we will continue to have financial issues in our country. We need to elect representatives who will be fiscally responsible first, which in turn will help "all" people for generations to come.
Way to go NC. An excellent move to defund liberal policies that continue to take our country down. Everone should write these representatives in NC and let them know we support them. When they fight the good fight they need to be commended.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Unfortunately unemployment is a friend to this administration and the left. While their policies keep people unemployed they can then give the gifts that buy votes. Ultimately it is the weak and poor that choose our representatives and take down our country. It has happened in our great cities and our great states and it is now happening in our great country. Elect Constitutional Conservatives from here on and lets clean up the mess in Washington.
Friday, July 8, 2011
We all stand with you Governor. The borders arent important to this president or the last, yet putting a child rapist, killer to death was. Our country is upside down when both parties cant seem to protect out citizens. Remember this when 2012 comes along. We need to elect a president that will protect our borders. Great job Arizona. I stand with you.
As the debt ceiling debate goes on, I certainly hope that the Republicans in the debate sound like our Great Senator here in Florida. If the Republicans give away the ranch again by bowing to the President and his tax more, spend more mentality, we need to remember these Republican leaders in the future and make sure we elect true Conservatives like Rubio and DeMint. Stay focused, stay informed.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The LA times is a left wing rag newspaper. I wont believe anything they write. However it is good to see them attacking a canidate from the right. They will show us who we should be pulling for to be the canidate for the republican party. The one they attack the most will be the one they are fearing the most.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
If this is true then it will be a big story. A story we will need to follow ourselves because the lame street media will stay far, far away from it. Remind ourselves daily of stories like this as we need to stay on the path to removing this president and his socialist motives in 2012. The Government has no business being in business. GM is a classic example.
After hearing of the corruption and animal like behavior in that part of the world I can say that its time to start withdrawing. I always was fully for the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. But with Karzai being a crook, the people are starving and the country will go nowhere. This type of surrounding then creates the animals that we are dealing with. They kill just to kill. We shouldent be negotiating with them, but it is time to leave to protect our troops.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
I have started using "Adsense" on this blog to see if it really does generate income. I`m sorry to say that President Obama has been covering the ad space and I`m truely not happy with it. If you want to vote to deny him 4 more years that is great, however I know it is a bit annoying looking at the face all the time. I do apologize. However the ads that are put up are generated by Google and they have a special relationship with the president. So ignore these ads if you can, I`ll let them stay for a bit and see if they generate income. Google is not alone in their support of this president. Facebook, after having Obama on there for a nice little question and answer show with it`s founder. Is now in bed with this president too. So be careful where and how you are getting your news these days. The State run media is growing all around us. there. Google, now Facebook and of course AOL bought The Huggington Post.
A short time ago we heard how Lady Thatcher snubbed Sarah Palin while Sarah would be visiting Britain. Here are a few things to help set the story straight.
All part of the big picture. Let the endorsements begin. Terrorist`s, dictators, communist leaders always tell us who "not" to vote for here in the US. Every presidential election period we hear of these endorsements. We should not listen to our media because they will try to choose our canidate for the Republican side. But these stories should be spread around all over as we certainly dont want these communist leaders words to go unheard. We need to spread these words because the lame stream media will not.
More examples of how high corporate tax`s, high regulation and the "tax the rich" policies drive companies away from liberal run states. It makes no sense how these liberal run states can not seem to figure it out. I contend their beliefs simply get in the way of doing what is right for the people that live there. If job`s for their resident`s were their top priority, why wouldent they "change" their policies as they are clearly driving business and job`s away? Job`s are not their first priority. Tax the evil corporation`s and tax the rich are what they stand for first. More real examples here on how socialism hasent worked anywhere it has been tried.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
This is a big reason for our dumbing down. Entertainment used to be just that, "entertainment". Shows like "The View, Oprah, The Daily Show". These are shows that "pretend" to be informative. People view them as if they are learning or gaining information from them. Their brains are skewed and therefore real information doesent seem to penetrate. Our best chance for our childrens future will be school choice, getting rid of the Department of Education. The Teachers union will go with it. Then we can have our children learning in a competitive society. Competition is what spurs greatness.!/photo.php?fbid=230249046986354&set=a.182593935085199.44497.175204882490771&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=192265817451344&set=a.182593935085199.44497.175204882490771&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=230249046986354&set=a.182593935085199.44497.175204882490771&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=192265817451344&set=a.182593935085199.44497.175204882490771&type=1&theater
This is a problem with most of our politicians. In the effort to shore up the hispanic vote they have put us in danger. The #1 rule of our leaders should be to protect us citizens. They are failing us. We need to stay on them and demand that these borders are closed. Call and write your representatives and Senators and insist that they support closing our borders. If any of them waver, it is time for them to go.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Do you want to know why the bailouts havent worked? Because of examples like this. Our tax dollars being spent to give jobs to Mexico. What is this? Why would anyone think this is a good idea? Keep in mind, when GM came out of bankruptcy they still owed us 15 billion in bailout money that it looks like they will be let off the hook for.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Two big thing`s have happened in the past few days. The first one is by the AARP. Hopefully all of our hard work is beginning to pay off. AARP is switching its position on Social Security benifits. AARP will need to come around if they ever want to be a respectable organization. This is a step in the right direction. All seniors should run to the conservative alternative now though. Past actions by AARP should make their credibility zero. The other big news that you will not hear anywhere in the lame street media is that the AMA is "reconcidering" their support on Obamacare. This is another great step towards taking away the socialist moves by this president.
Our young are being indoctrinated from grammar school all the way up through their college years. It is very important to pay close attention to what our children are being taught these days. There are some great college students out there doing great work. Their easy, common sense questions give us the insight we need on the way our young are thinking. Simple comparisons of what is happening in our worlds today can get people thinking. These are great lessons on how we all should deal with the people around us.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It will be interesting to see how this president sidesteps the constitution this time. I dont know how anyone who was so against George Bush, could support this president. Do you remember all of the protesters on the corners when Bush was president? They have all gone away now that Obama is president. Obama won a "Peace prize" for what he was "going to do". I guess he fooled the world dident he as we are in a 3rd war while bombing Yemen in what should be concidered a 4th.
Nobody in this world has any respect for our president nor should they. Our Secretary of State has no business being in that job. She became a Senator because her husband was the president, while president he was screwing an intern in the White House. People felt sorry for Hillary and that is how she got her position of power. In my opinion Obama put in as SOS so he could keep control of her. Our government is a joke to the world. It`s a sad day in America with these people in control.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
If he cant stop business and oil production. If he cant stop the coal industry. If he cant tie the hands of us who have the right to bare arms. He simply regulates these things to the point of him controlling them without the average person knowing. Please inform your friends and neighbors. We can get back to freedom and capitalism in 2012.
Yet another example how lower taxes and a friendly business environment equals jobs. Texas has worked far better throught the democrat agenda and had produced over half of all jobs in our country from August 2009 through August 2010. It`s a little bit of old news, but I would bet that the statistics hold up today.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Obama,,, " so I duped the dopes. It`s still Bush`s fault. lol. I`ll continue to travel the world on your dollar. Oh, :). I won`t be visiting Israel. To many important things in the world. Send me your tax dollars, donate to my campaign, the fuel for Air Force 1 is`nt cheap you know. But most importantly, dont pay attention to what I do, It is what I "say" thats important. "
Monday, June 13, 2011
More blame for Bush. In his radio address over the weekend the President again puts the blame on Bush. Its an old story and he simply doesent care if he continues to dupe the dopes. Anyone that doesent recognize that his economic plans have hurt this country deeply are simply not informed. The 800 billion dollar stimulous plan was a voter buyout. Obama paying off his supporters. 2012 needs to get here fast before our country falls to this presidents payouts.
There is a New Zealander out there that has been doing great work for freedom. His belief is that if we lose freedom here in America, where will the rest of the world look to? Will any country ever get back the freedoms that our great country shows examples of daily. Trevor Loudon is from New Zealand, however I consider him an American hero. He continues to do the work that our "lame stream" media simply refuses to do. I am posting the link to Trevors great site. I would like to draw your attention to "The Obama files". Great stuff that we will never hear from our own "lame street" media. Leon Penetta is the latest example of the work that Trevor is doing. Will he be our next Secretary of defense? After reading Trevors information I hope not. Contact your Senators and congressman and stop yet another communist supporter.
Detroit has become a "lost" city when it was once a great city. The "motor city" has died and it is all happened because of liberal policies, big union, then the destruction of the people themselves that these policies created. Going "green" is just a rediculous statement and practice which simply tries to eliminate the energy policies we have today, while allowing Washington to gain more control over ALL of our monies. It is sad that some people just dont get it. Our great city has failed. Obama goes to Toledo to talk about the auto Industry. A GM plant was reopened in Biden`s state of Delaware which is now being questioned. Why are our tax dollars funding a "private" company who was already producing their own vehicles already.. Big unions are payed off over and over while the average Joe just donates their tax dollars to all of these policies. We need to stop this. Prepare constitutional conservatives for the run to Washington in 2012. Senators, House members, your local government and of course the presidency need to be filled by the people, for the people. Enough of these politicians that seek only power and control.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
With the state motto being "Live free or die" it is not surprising that New Hampshire leads our great country with being the "freeist" state. I was surprised to see Michagin in the 27th position. I would have had them lower because they have been run into the ground by democrats. However the bottom states dont surprise me one bit because they are democrat dominated states.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Shut down the oil industry, now working on the coal industry. The president wont say he is doing it because we would all know his intentions then. So regulating them is his "quiet" way of getting it done. The rich will be effected as we all will, but the less fortunate will be effected greatly. He does get caught without his telepromptor now and then we he is among friends.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A great review of a great new book that is co-written by a writer from the not so conservative N.Y.Times. Keep in mind the one person named to be involved is James Johnson. Picked by president Obama to help pick a VP canidate. It is a great book that I myself will pass along to some of my friends who want to still "blame Bush" for our horrible economy. If you have been on the conservative side of things the past few years you know much of this stuff. However it is great to see it in writing and we need to do our part to spread this book around.
This president has stopped business in our great country. So we cant drill to end our need for foreign oil. We cant depend on our Insurance company`s any more so we need Obamacare. Our banks are all greedy so they must be punished. Corporation`s are all greedy so we need to tax. Now Small business is doing to much so they must be regulated. Is there anything else this president can do to completely tie the hands of capitolism?
As Greece is in turmoil, our president seems to think we have money to help them. It should be said that every 1.00 we give to Greece to help them, $.40 will come directly from someone else as it is and will be deficit spending. Its the same problems in Greece that our big unions have been experiencing. Big unions, big public sector mentality is hurting many in all parts of the world. Its the same problems we will face if we keep on this socialist path. The first thing the EU suggested to Greece when they were contimplating the first "buy out" for the country was to privatize their health system. As Greece was told to step away from this "public sector" mentality, this socialist president and his friends on the left have excellerated our great country towards it. With the help of many of his "big union" friends across the country. The power hungry politicians and this socialist president wont learn until its too late. We too then may have these "big union", "private sector " employees rioting in the streets. We need to be strong, pay attention, then stop this by electing constitutional conservatives in 2012.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
As we have now past D-Day 2011, we are into a new time in all of our lives. Those hero`s got us to this point, how thankful we all should be. We are watching our constitution take a beating from this president and those who blindly support him. It`s about freedom. If we want it, we need to fight for it. Let`s bond together to do whatever it takes to not walk down this road after the 2012 election. Can we be "THELATESTGREATESTGENERATION". I think so. Let`s do it and let others talk about it later.
The more I hear from James Carville it sounds as if there are some surprizes coming in 2012. He mentioned a few weeks back he thought there would be 3-5 canidates for president. Will Hillary be one? Will the dems try and pull the same tactic as they did in NY 26 by putting in some fake Tea Party canidates? Pay attention folks. Know your conservative canidates.
Seniors need to get smart, you need to do your homework. Dont blindly follow AARP as they continue to be in bed with this socialist president. Do your research and look at a conservative alternative to AARP. AARP stands to make tons of money off of Obamacare. Obamacare is dangerous for seniors and it already cuts 500 billion off of Medicare. AARP is in it for the money and is not in it for seniors.
Any person working for this president better be able to take orders and shut up. I`m sure this guy has had some trouble. We know he has at least had trouble doing a good job because the economy is horrible. Are they his policies that dident work? Are they Obama`s policies that arent working? Whichever it is a new voice and a new face needs to come in. I have no confidence in whoever they are because they too will have a socialist agenda I`m sure. But this is good news for now.
Governor Jan Brewer is doing a great job in trying to protect her citizens in Arizona. Unfortunatley she has battled this president as he has brought law suits up against her. She has stood firm and now is taking on another issue that should be very important to us. Supporting our veterans. Some find themselves down but I thank this governor for not counting them out. Great job Jan Brewer.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Today June 6th Is the anniversary of D-Day. In what was the largest invasion in history many US, Canadian, British and French troops lost their lives in heroic fasion. These are true freedom heroes and we should never forget them. Some heroes that survived are still living but there are not many left. Take the time today to think of, pray for or thank one if you meet him. God bless them all.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I think we should all push hard to get the best Tea Party canidate chosen, then however it turns out, We need to support fully the canidate the Republicans put forward. The goal is to get this president out first.... Hopefully win more seats in the House and Senate. Then replace EVERY politician that isent representing us by representing the constitution.
Wisconsin update. is having a fund raising campaign to help the Dems take seats away from the republicans. We need to step up our efforts as this is a huge battleground for them and us as it will shape our country and change the way elections are won and lost. If the Dems are successful, winning elections alone wont be enough anymore. They are a well organized machine and we need to become the same. Donate 1.00 if you can. Anything can help offset the Socialist George Soros created
Spending in our great country is out of control. Now the Democrats want to continue the practice of Government can spend us into a strong economy. It doesent work. Spending money on projects like roads, bridges and other infrastructure programs like this is just another form of welfare. The jobs are temporary and the work, although it may be needed, is money spent at a time that we dont have any money. These tactics and spending practices of the Democrats have a long history of being bad for cities, states and the entire country as a whole. If you look at democrat run cites, states around the country all they do is breed poverty. Now with this president and the Dems controlling the Senate it is huge problem and a fix needs to happen in 2012.
Friday, June 3, 2011
This is a big weekend as it is the anniversary of the 6 day war. The 5th through the 10th. Please keep Israel in your prayers and while sending these emails to President Obama is important, dont forget to contact your local and state representatives and tell them too. We may not be able to change our presidents views, but hopefully we can stop him with the congress
Wisconsin is the battleground that the big Unions need to fight. If Wisconsin completes what they are trying to do, big unions will be shown to be what they are. A massive slush fund for the Democratic party. Our tax dollars are used to pay public sector employees, union dues are syphoned from these employees and the unions funnel these dollars back to the democratic party. Fight hard and there is a site that you can go and donate 1.00 to these fine Republican legislators who are doing the right thing for our great country. This is a first battle of many that we cant afford to lose.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
What a joke this is. Anything to take a shot at Sarah. She is a threat to the left and they will try to degrade her. We need to stay focused, stay informed.
Another Flotilla. Is this one also sponsored by the presidents friends Bill Aires and Bernadette Dohrn? The State department can publicly say this, but the presidents actions speak differently
The green movement will ruin the world as many economies will collaspe. Nuclear power is a clean and safe alternative to oil. If the US doesent wake up and stop this Obama administration, nuclear power isent the only thing they will take down. They have already stopped the oil flow, they intend to stop the coal industry. Whats left?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
All you have to do is listen to their words. Remember these words of the enemies of Capitalism. Unfortunately the far left here in America are on this side.If and when they take down Israel we here in the United States are next. They consider Israel to be the little Satan, while viewing us here in the U.S. as the great Satan.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tune in tonight at 6:30 PM as the House hopefully shoots down raising the debt limit. I myself hope that they can get to a balanced budget, then not need to worry about a debt limit. Until then lets hope the Republicans in the House stay firm on "no debt limit increase without substantial cuts in spending".
Sunday, May 29, 2011
This is a great story.
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Dear Patriotic American, Just a few weeks ago, Catie Serex' dream came true: she graduated from Elon University with a degree in Political Science and International Studies. Her mother was there, as proud as could be. When Catie was just under two years old, she lost her Dad, Lieutenant Rick Serex of the United States Navy, in a tragic training accident. Lieutenant Serex was just 33 years old when he gave his life in service to our country, and he left behind his young daughter, Catie, and his wife, Carla. On Memorial Day, Freedom Alliance honors our American heroes, like Lieutenant Serex, by honoring his family. Because of the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund and the generosity of so many Americans, Freedom Alliance was able to give Catie, and many other students, the funds to help complete their college education. "Before receiving a scholarship, I was having to split my time between academics and work, but Freedom Alliance gave me the opportunity to solely dedicate myself to academic achievement. My two best years in school occurred while a Freedom Alliance scholarship recipient," Catie said, in a recent letter to Freedom Alliance. In 2010, Freedom Alliance gave 225 students – each the son or daughter of an American hero – a scholarship to help them afford their college education. Our Scholarship Fund is a living memorial to America's military heroes, who have sacrificed life or limb in defense of our country. Can we count on your support? Please join Freedom Alliance and me in paying tribute to our fallen heroes, our frontline warriors and their families on this Memorial Day. Semper Fidelis, LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.) Freedom Alliance Founder and Honorary Chairman P.S. Please join me in commemorating Memorial Day by flying Old Glory and saying "Thank You" to a veteran you know or a serviceman or woman who is serving our nation today. Visit to learn more about the life-changing work Freedom Alliance is doing to support our troops and their families. |
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Black, White, Brown or Red. Left or Right, religious or not. When duty came a calling, none of it mattered. All of this was put aside and so many paid the ultimate price for our freedom. On this Memorial Day weekend, be safe, be proud and take some time to thank all of our fallen hero`s. Freedom isent free.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
It is a shame the way the Democrat`s and the President are running this ecomomy in our great country. I hope we continue to inform the public about this disgraceful way of handling thing`s.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wisconsin isent the only battle ground for big union machines. Other states like NJ, Vir and this Goveners state Ohio are making sweeping changes also. This governer of Ohio was very much responsible for the Clinton budget in the 90`s. The budget and financial condition the country was in that the Dems so proudly preech of. The unions know that if these governers are successful in their changes, it will show great examples on what works to better these states financially while taking away the power that big unions hold.
Maybe he`s still feeling the effects of the Guiness. I loved the comments after the story. Great comedy. As Bill Clinton said, "this guys a fairy tale". Fastforward 3/4`s of the way through this and hear how this "historian" tells us he`s the smartest president ever (what is his iq?). It`s laughable how so many have been duped by the word`s and the teleprompter.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Medicare is a big issue and it will be an important one in the 2012 election. I hope the Republicans can inform the people enough to show the Democrats and Obamacare are the dangerous ones to Medicare. Ryans plan fixes Medicare and allows seniors to have the "same" health care that these politicians in Washington have.
Cass Sunstein going to work on doing away with the 1st ammendment. The Constitution is a problem to this White House. We need to remove all these Socialists and Communists in 2012. Stay focused, stay informed.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I am surprised by some friends on the left that continue to believe some of the news they are fed on a daily basis. Whether you believe that Fox News is a credible news network or not. George Soros does nothing to defend himself on the reporting that Fox News does on him. I cant believe anything that the left media outfits put out there anymore as they have been bought and payed for by an admitted Socialist.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I have always been amazed that the Jewish people here in the States tend to side with the Democrats. Even after this "telling" speech that the president gave, top Jewish donars are "warning" Obama he might lose their support. HELLO. I am amazed that any supporter of the State of Israel would do anything other than listen to their Prime Minister Netanyahu. The PM "clearly" disagreed with the Presidents stance on Israel. I am impressed with the strength of the PM and embarrassed by our president. Watch the press briefing that followed the 1- 1 1/2 hour meeting of the PM and president.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Hey Israel, how about a trade.
We`ll give you a President (Obama), a Secretary of State (Hillary), a Senate Majority leader (Reid), a House minority leader (Pelosi) and a couple Republicans we dont need (McCain and Lindsey Graham). We`ll give you all this for your 1 true leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
ps: oh and we`ll throw in the rights to the Chevy Volt. Maybe you can get someone besides G.E. to buy one.
Israel wants peace, freedom and the right to defend themselves. They cannot defend themselves if they go back to the 67 borders. Obama hurt our relationship with Britain when he sent back the Churchill bust, now he has gone against our best ally in the Middle East. The only stable country in the middle East. He is now on the side of Iran, Syria and every other country that surrounds Israel that want them dead
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Our politicians on the left say things like , democracy, paying your fair share, sacrafice. They cant be as honest as these Canadians because our elections would end up the same. Canadians turned away from these ideas in their latest elections they turned far more consevative
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
First Texas gets snubbed for being the resting spot for one of our retired space shuttles. After Kennedy Space Center here in Fla, Texas should have been #2 on the list. Does "Houston , we have a problem" ring a bell? Now this Conservative state who is no friend to the president gets snubbed again. Conspiracy? You make the call.
While Obama continues his victory lap after our Cia and Seals got Bin Laden. His Attorney General continues to investigate this same Cia for interrigation habits. Quite possibly the habits that led to finally getting Bin Laden. When asked at Ground Zero if Obama will ask AG Holder to stop the investigation, Obama`s answer was "no".
Philadelphia 2008 on election day. These "thugs" were let off by our Attorney General. We now know the CIA agents he`s investigating arent "His" people.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid
While the president will lead us to believe its Paul Ryan`s republican budget thats "radical". Ryans plan doesent effect any "current" Medicare or Medicaid policy`s, however it does address the need to fix the entitlement programs. It not the Republicans that are "cutting" these things. It was Obamacare that did this.
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