Monday, August 1, 2011

With the house passing the bill that will "save" our countries future just in time, it appears to me that it was somewhat of a show and its the Same ole story" in Washington. The bill should pass the Senate no problem so we can rest easy tonight because we are safe. Riiiiiight. The August 2nd date was a made up date by the president. His b-day is the 4th, maybe he wanted a travel day, but also the congress is scheduled now to be going on break. This debt ceiling problem has been looming for a year or more. Everyone in Washington knows that. To be as dramatic as it was and still is, its just politics as usual. 2.4 trillion will now be added to the national debt before this president leaves office. He became president in Jan of 09 and the debt stood at 10.6 trillion. It is now well over 14 trillion and this bill will put the debt at 16.8 trillion or so before he leaves office after 4 "spend happy" years. It took 43 presidents to get to 10.6 trillion in debt, this president will add over 6 trillion in 4 years. There are no real cuts in spending in this bill. The budget goes up across the board 7.5% a year automatically. When they say they are cutting 2 trillion. It means they are cutting 2 trillion from the 10 trillion that will already be added to the deficit. If you wonder whether the deficit is important. As they slice up our military spending keep in mind. In 2-3 years the INTEREST alone on our deficit will pay the ENTIRE military expense for the Chinese. The cuts are figured out over a 10 year period. Thats just the #`s game they play in Washington. However, when the next congress is voted in they will vote in their own budget so the #`s we see here mean nothing. None of the cuts in this bill happen before 2013, so a new congress will be voted in before any of this takes place. There will be taxes raised. Every bill is rated by "The Congressional Budget Office". CBO. This bill was rated regognizing that the" Bush tax cuts" will expire in 2012. By expiring this will be the biggest tax hike in history. Obama did extend these cuts last year, however he is constantly wanting to tax the wealthy so it is only logical that when he can, he will be glad to let these tax cuts expire. These tax cuts did not only effect the wealthy, when Obama himself extended them his own words said that if he dident extend them it would cost the average American family 3,000 a year. It is never a good idea to raise taxes when the economy is bad so that is why he extended them last year. If the economy is still bad next year (it will be in my opinion) there is a chance that these tax cuts will be extended again. However there is no re-election worry for this president then, so he will gladly control that money and do what he does best,. Spend it. If he does happen do extend it then congress will have to make up the expense that the CBO figured in as gone, in taxes. So in short. Taxes go up if the Bush tax cuts expire. Taxes go up if they dont. Our country brings in around 2.1 trillion of "revenue". Our tax dollars. Entitlements equal around 2.2 trillion. So we do not bring in enough to cover entitlements let alone the rest of our spending. The Obama stimulous plan started out as being 800 billion but now has the figure at over 1 trillion. This stimulous is now a regular part of our budget. It is an expense that is there to stay unless it is voted out. These funds are used to pay the supporters of Obama. They havent helped this country and we all see they havent added any jobs. When they speak of cuts, why not start there? That would put us back closer to where we were before Obama took office and would certainly be a good start. The truth is they like spending money and controlling us that way in Washington. Hopefully we can continue to wake up. This bill was not a win for The Tea Party. That is a silly dupe by the liberal press. The truth is there isent 1 tea party conservative that voted for this bill. But the lie of the day is, Tea Party bad. They caused this mess. Then it will be a setup for things to come. I can hear Obama a year from now when our country is still in trouble. "Well we did it the Tea Party way and it dident work. Re-elect me and I can continue the great work that I`m doing and we need to get away from these Tea Party extremists." Many among us will be duped because the media is feeding us this lie every day. Well the Tea Party is for cutting spending, capping spending so Washington can get under control. Then balancing the budget like we all have to do. Our country WILL lose its credit rating and we will all in a couple months be hurting because of it. It wont hurt the rich, they have the money. It will hurt us lower and middle class folks that dont have the government filling our gas tanks and buying our food. So pop the champagne in liberal land tonight. But I know If Reid, Pelosi and Obama are voting for any bill, we all need to know it most likely isent good for us.

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