It is amazing how the left is now saying cutting government spending will slow the economy. Trying to stop spending cuts that Obama and themselves put on the table with the sequestration. They used it when last months numbers on the economy came in, blaming less government spending for the retraction of the economy. The media and their friends all ran with it. The logic is again so skewed. If all we have to do is have government spending to build a strong economy, why has it not worked yet? They spend, spend, spend and all it does it put us deeper in debt. Of course he is again calling for more taxes. The sequestration was supposed to stop the gridlock as the left was supposed to cave because of the cuts, while the right was supposed to cave because of the defense cuts. Our government is so out of control I dont believe they will ever make a good decision. Very few are in this for the best interest of the American people. Look for Obama and the left to continue the latest dupejob of cutting government spending will hurt education, jobs, the poor poor poor. They will make no deal until the last minute when they will basically do nothing again. Kicking the can down the road one more time.
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