Monday, June 20, 2011

I have started using "Adsense" on this blog to see if it really does generate income. I`m sorry to say that President Obama has been covering the ad space and I`m truely not happy with it. If you want to vote to deny him 4 more years that is great, however I know it is a bit annoying looking at the face all the time. I do apologize. However the ads that are put up are generated by Google and they have a special relationship with the president. So ignore these ads if you can, I`ll let them stay for a bit and see if they generate income. Google is not alone in their support of this president. Facebook, after having Obama on there for a nice little question and answer show with it`s founder. Is now in bed with this president too. So be careful where and how you are getting your news these days. The State run media is growing all around us. there. Google, now Facebook and of course AOL bought The Huggington Post.

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