Monday, June 13, 2011

Detroit has become a "lost" city when it was once a great city. The "motor city" has died and it is all happened because of liberal policies, big union, then the destruction of the people themselves that these policies created. Going "green" is just a rediculous statement and practice which simply tries to eliminate the energy policies we have today, while allowing Washington to gain more control over ALL of our monies. It is sad that some people just dont get it. Our great city has failed. Obama goes to Toledo to talk about the auto Industry. A GM plant was reopened in Biden`s state of Delaware which is now being questioned. Why are our tax dollars funding a "private" company who was already producing their own vehicles already.. Big unions are payed off over and over while the average Joe just donates their tax dollars to all of these policies. We need to stop this. Prepare constitutional conservatives for the run to Washington in 2012. Senators, House members, your local government and of course the presidency need to be filled by the people, for the people. Enough of these politicians that seek only power and control.

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