That is a talking point lie from the left Juan. They try to convince you of this so they can push more goverment control which just leads us into socialism. If that is what you want than you have your view. Politicians are in bed with big corporations, but that is more of a left thing than a right thing. GE is in Obama`s back pocket because of the "green movement". Who is making a fortune on it? GE. But look at how many jobs GE has lost in the past few years, yet who leads Obama`s "President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board"? Jeffrey Immelt, CEO GE. The tax payers bailed out Fannie and Freddie after the left ignored the warning signs, yet the leaders of these failing tax payer funded programs are receiving tens of millions of dollars in bonuses as we speak. While they are continuing to receive bailouts because they continue to fail. It is the left that is funding these failed government run programs. However corporations are people and that is who creates jobs. The government does not create jobs. If you believe government creates jobs, where do they get the money to do this? Taxes. So they are creating jobs from somebody elses money. The problem is that it can never sustain itself. Socialism has never worked and never will. It is profit that drives business, it is business that creates jobs. Government control takes all incentive to succeed away from people. We grew up with the USSR as a super power. "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". Ask a Russian who fled Russia when the USSR fell apart. Many have come here. I have had a number of convo`s with a few people and have heard the same stories on the radio. The arms race broke Russia as they couldent keep up financially with the US as their country folded underneath them. They took over control of business in the country, they took control of the farms to the point where the farmers left their farms. Why would anyone work a farm all day for no profit? It was then up to the government to run these farms and they had no idea how to do it. That led to the starvation of the country which eventually collapsed the whole thing. Failed socialist countries are all over the world, yet somehow the left keeps preaching how it could work here. They grab at your heartstrings to convince you that "helping" people is the thing to do. Yet somehow poverty just continues to spread.
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