Monday, November 28, 2011

Liberals and conservatives alike. Democrats and Republicans. We all are tired of the Washington politicians going to Washington, gaining power, then seemingly never leaving. But it is the game that goes on there that hurts every American. The games they play would put the rest of us in jail. Ask Martha Stewart. This problem has happened under all presidents however the flood gates of taxpayer dollars has been wide open under the leadership in Washington now. Ocuppy Wall street protestors claim to be fighting for the 99%. However it is amazing how they so strongly support this administration and his policies. This book (of course ows and Dems who are dems first will never read it) highlights many of the dealings in Washington these days. Politicians there "fix" the system to line their pockets and to line the pockets of their biggest campaign donars as well. Campaign donars who are the millionaires and billionaires the dems like to have the so called (99%) protest against. Duping the dopes will never end as long as they remain the "useful idiots" that they are. Republicans alike are involved as well, however when the president gets 780 billion in stimulus, cries for more and more tax dollars because the "rich" are not paying enough, then passes these funds directly to the millionaires and billionaires he claims are hurting the country. This practice must end. For all of the politicians involved in what should be considered criminal practices. I say. " Throw Them All Out".

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