Monday, June 27, 2011

This is great news. A constitutional conservative Senator endorsing a canidate. I hope Ohio is paying attention. All you Ohioans should post this everywhere you can.

Embarrasing but not surprising. This state has givin us the most anti-gun president ever. Whatever part of the "right to bare arms" in the costitution he cant stop legally he will regulate to get what he wants. 2012 cant come soon enough.

Poor poor anti-semite. Wah, wah.

Hopefully one of these guys can fix all the broken relationships this president and Hillary have created. Can you imagine being a world leader and having to deal with this administration?

I am not sure why Romney keeps polling like this. He isn`t in my top 5 at this point. Dont let the media pick our canidate.

The most rediculous thing I`ve heard yet. We need to fix this. 2012 cant come soon enough. Common sense politicians are what we need. No more of political correctness.

The LA times is a left wing rag newspaper. I wont believe anything they write. However it is good to see them attacking a canidate from the right. They will show us who we should be pulling for to be the canidate for the republican party. The one they attack the most will be the one they are fearing the most.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This is not surprising but it needs to be out there. Share it anywhere you can. Every American has felt the hurt under this president. Stay focused, stay informed.

The tax cheat Geihtner has and will remain a problem to our economy until he is replaced. He has no clue what he is doing. It was a mistake for W to put him in there and Obama has just elevated the mistake. We have no chance with the people who are running our economy.

I will not be voting for a canidate that has spent time in this administration. Sorry Huntsman.

The federal reserve is a problem. It is unsupervised and it needs to be reined in. I hope Newt pursues this till the end. Newt is doing great work, I thank him for his service to our great country.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I have started using "Adsense" on this blog to see if it really does generate income. I`m sorry to say that President Obama has been covering the ad space and I`m truely not happy with it. If you want to vote to deny him 4 more years that is great, however I know it is a bit annoying looking at the face all the time. I do apologize. However the ads that are put up are generated by Google and they have a special relationship with the president. So ignore these ads if you can, I`ll let them stay for a bit and see if they generate income. Google is not alone in their support of this president. Facebook, after having Obama on there for a nice little question and answer show with it`s founder. Is now in bed with this president too. So be careful where and how you are getting your news these days. The State run media is growing all around us. there. Google, now Facebook and of course AOL bought The Huggington Post.

A short time ago we heard how Lady Thatcher snubbed Sarah Palin while Sarah would be visiting Britain. Here are a few things to help set the story straight.

All part of the big picture. Let the endorsements begin. Terrorist`s, dictators, communist leaders always tell us who "not" to vote for here in the US. Every presidential election period we hear of these endorsements. We should not listen to our media because they will try to choose our canidate for the Republican side. But these stories should be spread around all over as we certainly dont want these communist leaders words to go unheard. We need to spread these words because the lame stream media will not.

More examples of how high corporate tax`s, high regulation and the "tax the rich" policies drive companies away from liberal run states. It makes no sense how these liberal run states can not seem to figure it out. I contend their beliefs simply get in the way of doing what is right for the people that live there. If job`s for their resident`s were their top priority, why wouldent they "change" their policies as they are clearly driving business and job`s away? Job`s are not their first priority. Tax the evil corporation`s and tax the rich are what they stand for first. More real examples here on how socialism hasent worked anywhere it has been tried.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

This is a big reason for our dumbing down. Entertainment used to be just that, "entertainment". Shows like "The View, Oprah, The Daily Show". These are shows that "pretend" to be informative. People view them as if they are learning or gaining information from them. Their brains are skewed and therefore real information doesent seem to penetrate. Our best chance for our childrens future will be school choice, getting rid of the Department of Education. The Teachers union will go with it. Then we can have our children learning in a competitive society. Competition is what spurs greatness.

This is a problem with most of our politicians. In the effort to shore up the hispanic vote they have put us in danger. The #1 rule of our leaders should be to protect us citizens. They are failing us. We need to stay on them and demand that these borders are closed. Call and write your representatives and Senators and insist that they support closing our borders. If any of them waver, it is time for them to go.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

It`s cbsnews. Dont fall prey to the story. Nobody in our wildest dreams should ever see Ron Paul as a frontrunner. Wishful thinking from the left. This time the left being, "cbsnews". Don`t let these so called new`s channels pick our canidate.

Could Gore`s channel be the new Liberal Afterlife? I figured Weiner would end up there or with Van Jones over at the Soros created Center for American Progress.

This is not surprising at all. He plays by his own rules. We are losing the structure of our great country. Contact your representatives and Senators. They need to stand for the constitution.

I have been a strong supporter of us being over there. My feelings are changing now after hearing first hand what its like there. Karzai is a crook, the people are poor and starving while the bad guys are just animals. You cant negotiate with animals. Its a sad place in the world.

Do you want to know why the bailouts havent worked? Because of examples like this. Our tax dollars being spent to give jobs to Mexico. What is this? Why would anyone think this is a good idea? Keep in mind, when GM came out of bankruptcy they still owed us 15 billion in bailout money that it looks like they will be let off the hook for.

A classic example on why we need to stay focused and stay informed. The lame stream media is Obama`s greatest supporter and they will try again and again to pick the Republican canidate. We need to know our canidates and choose one for ourselves.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Two big thing`s have happened in the past few days. The first one is by the AARP. Hopefully all of our hard work is beginning to pay off. AARP is switching its position on Social Security benifits. AARP will need to come around if they ever want to be a respectable organization. This is a step in the right direction. All seniors should run to the conservative alternative now though. Past actions by AARP should make their credibility zero. The other big news that you will not hear anywhere in the lame street media is that the AMA is "reconcidering" their support on Obamacare. This is another great step towards taking away the socialist moves by this president.

I stand by this decision as long as they put up a good canidate. Dont take out a member that we dont agree completely with and replace them with someone that can go to Washington and be bought. Its great work by FreedomWorks if they do great work, it could backfire if they dont.

Our young are being indoctrinated from grammar school all the way up through their college years. It is very important to pay close attention to what our children are being taught these days. There are some great college students out there doing great work. Their easy, common sense questions give us the insight we need on the way our young are thinking. Simple comparisons of what is happening in our worlds today can get people thinking. These are great lessons on how we all should deal with the people around us.

Excellent stuff. Sarah is my top choice if she runs. She has the Reagon mentality. Conservative, freedom first, small government, common sense solutions. That is what I am looking for in our next president.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

“The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” -Thucydides

Yes the only ones that are doing well in this economy are the Lefty`s in Washington and the voters that they have bought. The truth is they are laughing at the dopes that put them in there. Now the rest of the world is laughing at us.

I love this move. Finally something good comes out of the Senate.

It will be interesting to see how this president sidesteps the constitution this time. I dont know how anyone who was so against George Bush, could support this president. Do you remember all of the protesters on the corners when Bush was president? They have all gone away now that Obama is president. Obama won a "Peace prize" for what he was "going to do". I guess he fooled the world dident he as we are in a 3rd war while bombing Yemen in what should be concidered a 4th.

More proof that what Bibi say`s is true. " Israel is not what is wrong with the Middle East, Israel is what is right with the Middle East". Great job Israel. I stand with you.

Nobody in this world has any respect for our president nor should they. Our Secretary of State has no business being in that job. She became a Senator because her husband was the president, while president he was screwing an intern in the White House. People felt sorry for Hillary and that is how she got her position of power. In my opinion Obama put in as SOS so he could keep control of her. Our government is a joke to the world. It`s a sad day in America with these people in control.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As Michele Bachmann said. This president will not offer up a Medicare plan. Obamacare has already cut 500 billion and everyone on Medicare will be pushed into Obamacare. That is his plan, he cant say it, but that is his plan.

High Corporate taxes are what drive company`s out of this country. Then add regulation`s, big union mentality, entitlements come along with that. The democrat, Obama way of doing things continue to destroy employment in our great country.

More progress on illegal aliens. This will improve the accuracy at the voting booths too.

Times are a changing. I`m not sure how this is`nt the top news of the day, but Wisconsin is changing how our government will do business. The private sector runs the economy. The public sector is payed by the private sector. Government has no business being in business. Great job Governor Walker.

If he cant stop business and oil production. If he cant stop the coal industry. If he cant tie the hands of us who have the right to bare arms. He simply regulates these things to the point of him controlling them without the average person knowing. Please inform your friends and neighbors. We can get back to freedom and capitalism in 2012.

Yet another example how lower taxes and a friendly business environment equals jobs. Texas has worked far better throught the democrat agenda and had produced over half of all jobs in our country from August 2009 through August 2010. It`s a little bit of old news, but I would bet that the statistics hold up today.

Texas again leading the way. Great job Rick Perry. It should not be illegal to question possible illegals. We show our id`s at banks, in liquor stores, we should have to produce it at traffic stops and such. Hopefully the Texas senate will move the bill along.

Monday, June 13, 2011

More blame for Bush. In his radio address over the weekend the President again puts the blame on Bush. Its an old story and he simply doesent care if he continues to dupe the dopes. Anyone that doesent recognize that his economic plans have hurt this country deeply are simply not informed. The 800 billion dollar stimulous plan was a voter buyout. Obama paying off his supporters. 2012 needs to get here fast before our country falls to this presidents payouts.

Texas is always leading the way.

If you stand with Israel, sign this petition. But dont stop there. Contact you Senators and congressman. If we cant stop the president, hopefully congress will stand for Israel with us.

There is a New Zealander out there that has been doing great work for freedom. His belief is that if we lose freedom here in America, where will the rest of the world look to? Will any country ever get back the freedoms that our great country shows examples of daily. Trevor Loudon is from New Zealand, however I consider him an American hero. He continues to do the work that our "lame stream" media simply refuses to do. I am posting the link to Trevors great site. I would like to draw your attention to "The Obama files". Great stuff that we will never hear from our own "lame street" media. Leon Penetta is the latest example of the work that Trevor is doing. Will he be our next Secretary of defense? After reading Trevors information I hope not. Contact your Senators and congressman and stop yet another communist supporter.

Detroit has become a "lost" city when it was once a great city. The "motor city" has died and it is all happened because of liberal policies, big union, then the destruction of the people themselves that these policies created. Going "green" is just a rediculous statement and practice which simply tries to eliminate the energy policies we have today, while allowing Washington to gain more control over ALL of our monies. It is sad that some people just dont get it. Our great city has failed. Obama goes to Toledo to talk about the auto Industry. A GM plant was reopened in Biden`s state of Delaware which is now being questioned. Why are our tax dollars funding a "private" company who was already producing their own vehicles already.. Big unions are payed off over and over while the average Joe just donates their tax dollars to all of these policies. We need to stop this. Prepare constitutional conservatives for the run to Washington in 2012. Senators, House members, your local government and of course the presidency need to be filled by the people, for the people. Enough of these politicians that seek only power and control.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A great review of a great new book that is co-written by a writer from the not so conservative N.Y.Times. Keep in mind the one person named to be involved is James Johnson. Picked by president Obama to help pick a VP canidate. It is a great book that I myself will pass along to some of my friends who want to still "blame Bush" for our horrible economy. If you have been on the conservative side of things the past few years you know much of this stuff. However it is great to see it in writing and we need to do our part to spread this book around.

This president has stopped business in our great country. So we cant drill to end our need for foreign oil. We cant depend on our Insurance company`s any more so we need Obamacare. Our banks are all greedy so they must be punished. Corporation`s are all greedy so we need to tax. Now Small business is doing to much so they must be regulated. Is there anything else this president can do to completely tie the hands of capitolism?

‎26 States suing our Federal Government. That should be enough said. I hope the Constitution wins out on this one. Stay focused, stay informed.

Socialist running a government owned auto company. Doesent surprise me at all. He will have to answer to this president. I am now a Ford man.

This is the strength, courage and let it fly attitude that we need from our conservative politicians against this president. I support Sarah Palin in her efforts to inform us as we move towards the 2012 election.

As Greece is in turmoil, our president seems to think we have money to help them. It should be said that every 1.00 we give to Greece to help them, $.40 will come directly from someone else as it is and will be deficit spending. Its the same problems in Greece that our big unions have been experiencing. Big unions, big public sector mentality is hurting many in all parts of the world. Its the same problems we will face if we keep on this socialist path. The first thing the EU suggested to Greece when they were contimplating the first "buy out" for the country was to privatize their health system. As Greece was told to step away from this "public sector" mentality, this socialist president and his friends on the left have excellerated our great country towards it. With the help of many of his "big union" friends across the country. The power hungry politicians and this socialist president wont learn until its too late. We too then may have these "big union", "private sector " employees rioting in the streets. We need to be strong, pay attention, then stop this by electing constitutional conservatives in 2012.

An interesting site showing some ways our country is spending money. I`m not sure if they are accurate, but its interesting on a first look.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

As we have now past D-Day 2011, we are into a new time in all of our lives. Those hero`s got us to this point, how thankful we all should be. We are watching our constitution take a beating from this president and those who blindly support him. It`s about freedom. If we want it, we need to fight for it. Let`s bond together to do whatever it takes to not walk down this road after the 2012 election. Can we be "THELATESTGREATESTGENERATION". I think so. Let`s do it and let others talk about it later. 

The more I hear from James Carville it sounds as if there are some surprizes coming in 2012. He mentioned a few weeks back he thought there would be 3-5 canidates for president. Will Hillary be one? Will the dems try and pull the same tactic as they did in NY 26 by putting in some fake Tea Party canidates? Pay attention folks. Know your conservative canidates.

FIRED, lol, SPONSORLESS, 2x lol Glenn Beck to start "Netflix" type Quality provided by the same outfit that brings us News, commentary, comedy and what will now be a 2 hour daily show starting 9-12-11 but other programming available immediatley.

Seniors need to get smart, you need to do your homework. Dont blindly follow AARP as they continue to be in bed with this socialist president. Do your research and look at a conservative alternative to AARP. AARP stands to make tons of money off of Obamacare. Obamacare is dangerous for seniors and it already cuts 500 billion off of Medicare. AARP is in it for the money and is not in it for seniors.

I`m glad we have the best Senator in Washington keeping an eye on this story. Thank you for keeping us informed on it Senator DeMint.

Any person working for this president better be able to take orders and shut up. I`m sure this guy has had some trouble. We know he has at least had trouble doing a good job because the economy is horrible. Are they his policies that dident work? Are they Obama`s policies that arent working? Whichever it is a new voice and a new face needs to come in. I have no confidence in whoever they are because they too will have a socialist agenda I`m sure. But this is good news for now.

Governor Jan Brewer is doing a great job in trying to protect her citizens in Arizona. Unfortunatley she has battled this president as he has brought law suits up against her. She has stood firm and now is taking on another issue that should be very important to us. Supporting our veterans. Some find themselves down but I thank this governor for not counting them out. Great job Jan Brewer.

Another conservative governor in a conservative state making a difference. Welfare has gone out of control as have all of the entitlement programs in this country. Great job Governor Scott. Lead our state which in turn will lead the country.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The greatest generation.

Humble? Thats why they were the greatest generation.

Very touching. A great look at some of our greatest generation.

Great work. All of us need to be reposting this link. Get the news out. Republicans are continuing to try and do the job. Only to have the Senate Dems shoot down all of their good work. Repost it and let the public see whats going on.

Another great article explaining D-Day. Hero`s that were truely our "greatest generation"

One of the hero`s that survived the day and is still with us to tell about it.

An excellent speech by one of our greatest presidents ever.

Today June 6th Is the anniversary of D-Day. In what was the largest invasion in history many US, Canadian, British and French troops lost their lives in heroic fasion. These are true freedom heroes and we should never forget them. Some heroes that survived are still living but there are not many left. Take the time today to think of, pray for or thank one if you meet him. God bless them all.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I think we should all push hard to get the best Tea Party canidate chosen, then however it turns out, We need to support fully the canidate the Republicans put forward. The goal is to get this president out first.... Hopefully win more seats in the House and Senate. Then replace EVERY politician that isent representing us by representing the constitution.

On June 5, 2004 Ronald Wilson Reagan died. Thank you Ronny for leading our great country as you did. Rest in peace.

On this day in 1967 it was the start of the 6 day war. May you have peace today Israel. You are in our thoughts.

Wisconsin update. is having a fund raising campaign to help the Dems take seats away from the republicans. We need to step up our efforts as this is a huge battleground for them and us as it will shape our country and change the way elections are won and lost. If the Dems are successful, winning elections alone wont be enough anymore. They are a well organized machine and we need to become the same. Donate 1.00 if you can. Anything can help offset the Socialist George Soros created

Spending in our great country is out of control. Now the Democrats want to continue the practice of Government can spend us into a strong economy. It doesent work. Spending money on projects like roads, bridges and other infrastructure programs like this is just another form of welfare. The jobs are temporary and the work, although it may be needed, is money spent at a time that we dont have any money. These tactics and spending practices of the Democrats have a long history of being bad for cities, states and the entire country as a whole. If you look at democrat run cites, states around the country all they do is breed poverty. Now with this president and the Dems controlling the Senate it is huge problem and a fix needs to happen in 2012.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I hear many people in NY are hoping they have a clean Weiner.

This guy gives me hope for change. My great Senator from Florida who say`s it like it is on Medicare.

Libya was one of the worst moves ever that a President could make. If he was going to go in he should have gone early. Instead he waited for France and Britain to lead. Now he stays even while it is unconstitutional to be there. 2012 cant come soon enough. Stay focused, stay informed.

What a joke this is. Anything to take a shot at Sarah. She is a threat to the left and they will try to degrade her. We need to stay focused, stay informed.

Another Flotilla. Is this one also sponsored by the presidents friends Bill Aires and Bernadette Dohrn? The State department can publicly say this, but the presidents actions speak differently

The green movement will ruin the world as many economies will collaspe. Nuclear power is a clean and safe alternative to oil. If the US doesent wake up and stop this Obama administration, nuclear power isent the only thing they will take down. They have already stopped the oil flow, they intend to stop the coal industry. Whats left?