Friday, February 8, 2013

It is amazing how the left is now saying cutting government spending will slow the economy. Trying to stop spending cuts that Obama and themselves put on the table with the sequestration.  They used it when last months numbers on the economy came in, blaming less government spending for the retraction of the economy. The media and their friends all ran with it. The logic is again so skewed. If all we have to do is have government spending to build a strong economy, why has it not worked yet? They spend, spend, spend and all it does it put us deeper in debt. Of course he is again calling for more taxes. The sequestration was supposed to stop the gridlock as the left was supposed to cave because of the cuts, while the right was supposed to cave because of the defense cuts. Our government is so out of control I dont believe they will ever make a good decision. Very few are in this for the best interest of the American people. Look for Obama and the left to continue the latest dupejob of cutting government spending will hurt education, jobs, the poor poor poor. They will make no deal until the last minute when they will basically do nothing again. Kicking the can down the road one more time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same".

Ronald Reagan

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Levin did a nice list last night on his radio show. His point was, and I agree, we hear the names Akin, O'Donnell, Mourdock all the time because Rove, the establishment republicans and the democrats tell us those names all the time. But the other names Levin mentiones are sooooo much more important. I dont have the list, but his point was, Cruz, Rubio, Lee, Rand Paul, Toomey, many other Tea Party candidates not only won elections, they beat Rove, establishment backed candidates to get there. Listen to all of the "establishment" candidates that lost. The list is far longer than the few Tea Party backed canidates mentioned all the time. I hope you all listen to this. We on the right do not need to run from Tea Party candidates, we need to run with them to fix the country. It is not only the dems that are threatening the country. It is these Rove establishment republicans doing even more damage. I mean some think  conservative republican candidates should move away from social policies. They will never be able to and why should they? Because the democrats, Rove, the establishment tell us we need to? Those "setup" questions are the first questions asked by the left, the establishment, and anyone else hoping great conservatives do not get to Washington. Its time we backed the good guys and face the fact, that we have bad republicans hurting the country too. This audio does a great job of explaining what the conservatives are up against today. From both parties.
It is my belief that we are getting very close to communism, as the Obama zombies have voted for another 4 years of Socialism at the very least. Will we turn the country around? Will we be able to after another 4 more years with these leaders? It amazes me that my generation, who did drills of crawling under our school desks in case the USSR launched a strike on the US. My generation who should remember us boycotting the 1980 Olympics because they were played in Moscow. President Carter wanted to protest the invasion and possible communist takeover of Afghanistan By the Soviet Union. My generation that stood proud as a few young college kids who believed in miracles, overcame the worlds best government produced hockey team in Lake Placid NY.

To me it seemed at the time we should hate the USSR. I did. But in time I have come to realize, it was not the people of the USSR who I should have been hating. But communism itself. I still hope we will never get there and will fight against it. I`m not so sure what happened to some in the rest of my generation. Seems that some have turned to socialism, willingly accepting Nikita Khrushchev words. Now we are old enough that some of our children have and will continue to spread it. It will be a long way back to freedom if we ever get there. Will we ever be the country our parents, grandparents and forefathers created again? Or will we continue to go the Soviet way, thinking that government is the answer to every problem, while believing government can produce a hockey team that can rule the world. Government cannot create greatness. Only freedom can.
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. – John Adams (1814)

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. – Thomas Jefferson 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Income Tax.

On this day in 1913 the income tax was created.
It brought in 2 billion dollars (in todays dollars) to the government to spend.
Today the income tax brings in 1.2 trillion for the government to spend.

Does Washington really need more of our hard earned money?

I would like to see politicians represent "us" again and not just themselves in Washington. Keep them home in their districts and not in Washington. Texas may be a little extreme as their legislatures meet every 2 years, but that is a much better policy than politics as usual every day in Washington. These criminals just pull the wool over the public's eyes as they enrich themselves and become so incestuous among themselves. I for one am sickened by it.  
Congrats Ravens.

It was an excellent Superbowl. Much better than I expected.

The Ravens should be working on a deal right away that will keep a very good franchise QB in Joe Flacco in Baltimore where he belongs.

Tough luck for a very game San Fran team that looks to have a very good franchise QB themselves for many years to come.

I will now begin to suffer my yearly condition of Offseasonitis.