Sunday, May 29, 2011

This is a great story.

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Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, Freedom Alliance. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of Human Events or Eagle Publishing.

Dear Patriotic American,
Just a few weeks ago, Catie Serex' dream came true: she graduated from Elon University with a degree in Political Science and International Studies. Her mother was there, as proud as could be.
But someone was missing.
When Catie was just under two years old, she lost her Dad, Lieutenant Rick Serex of the United States Navy, in a tragic training accident. Lieutenant Serex was just 33 years old when he gave his life in service to our country, and he left behind his young daughter, Catie, and his wife, Carla.
On Memorial Day, Freedom Alliance honors our American heroes, like Lieutenant Serex, by honoring his family. Because of the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund and the generosity of so many Americans, Freedom Alliance was able to give Catie, and many other students, the funds to help complete their college education.
"Before receiving a scholarship, I was having to split my time between academics and work, but Freedom Alliance gave me the opportunity to solely dedicate myself to academic achievement. My two best years in school occurred while a Freedom Alliance scholarship recipient," Catie said, in a recent letter to Freedom Alliance.
In 2010, Freedom Alliance gave 225 students – each the son or daughter of an American hero – a scholarship to help them afford their college education. Our Scholarship Fund is a living memorial to America's military heroes, who have sacrificed life or limb in defense of our country. your help, Freedom Alliance will continue to make the education dreams come true for the sons and daughters of our defenders of freedom. Will you make a special Memorial Day gift to Freedom Alliance today? Your generous gift will make all the difference in the life of a young college student, and your gift sends a message that the sacrifices of their parents will never be forgotten by a grateful nation.
Semper Fidelis,
LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)
Freedom Alliance Founder and Honorary Chairman

P.S. Please join me in commemorating Memorial Day by flying Old Glory and saying "Thank You" to a veteran you know or a serviceman or woman who is serving our nation today. Visit to learn more about the life-changing work Freedom Alliance is doing to support our troops and their families.

From time to time we find special opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to see. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of Human Events or Eagle Publishing. This email was sent to because you are subscribed to Eagle Publishing's Carefully Selected Offers from 3rd Parties email list. Click here to update your email preferences or unsubscribe. Please do not attempt to respond to this message as your reply will route to an unattended email box. If you have questions, please send them to
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Another great tune to remind us of our hero`s.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wisconsin isent the only battle ground for big union machines. Other states like NJ, Vir and this Goveners state Ohio are making sweeping changes also. This governer of Ohio was very much responsible for the Clinton budget in the 90`s. The budget and financial condition the country was in that the Dems so proudly preech of. The unions know that if these governers are successful in their changes, it will show great examples on what works to better these states financially while taking away the power that big unions hold.

Are you embarressed by him or for him. I am embarrased by him. Not a good week for the president. First he get`s schooled by Netanyahu, now he toasts while Britains national anthem is playing.

Maybe he`s still feeling the effects of the Guiness. I loved the comments after the story. Great comedy. As Bill Clinton said, "this guys a fairy tale". Fastforward 3/4`s of the way through this and hear how this "historian" tells us he`s the smartest president ever (what is his iq?). It`s laughable how so many have been duped by the word`s and the teleprompter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I loved the interview. I am very excited with a few of the canidates we have put out there so far. I still would love to see Alan West get in, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann. It will be a fun race to the nomination.

Medicare is a big issue and it will be an important one in the 2012 election. I hope the Republicans can inform the people enough to show the Democrats and Obamacare are the dangerous ones to Medicare. Ryans plan fixes Medicare and allows seniors to have the "same" health care that these politicians in Washington have.

Cass Sunstein going to work on doing away with the 1st ammendment. The Constitution is a problem to this White House. We need to remove all these Socialists and Communists in 2012. Stay focused, stay informed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Want to cut the deficit? Sell some land.!/notes/michelle-malkin/states-rising-up-to-fight-obama-land-grab-alaska-utah-file-suit/10150170163045677

Anti-gun administration selling guns to Mexican drug cartels. If anyone finds a "Department of Justice" call the United States of America. We lost ours on 2008.!/notes/michelle-malkin/project-gunrunner-update-the-fit-hits-the-shan/10150170548815677

Gas prices are high. I guess the President thinks this will help? Geez, enough already.

First Texas gets snubbed for being the resting spot for one of our retired space shuttles. After Kennedy Space Center here in Fla, Texas should have been #2 on the list. Does "Houston , we have a problem" ring a bell? Now this Conservative state who is no friend to the president gets snubbed again. Conspiracy? You make the call.

Notice the countries that pay the least amount at the pump. Call me crazy, but I believe its because they are the ones producing it.

Taxing Business for dummies. lol :)

While Obama continues his victory lap after our Cia and Seals got Bin Laden. His Attorney General continues to investigate this same Cia for interrigation habits. Quite possibly the habits that led to finally getting Bin Laden. When asked at Ground Zero if Obama will ask AG Holder to stop the investigation, Obama`s answer was "no".

As the Attorney General investigates our CIA agents lets not forget the feelings of those on the left.

Obama says no to asking AG Holder to stop investigating CIA agents

Philadelphia 2008 on election day. These "thugs" were let off by our Attorney General. We now know the CIA agents he`s investigating arent "His" people.