Friend -- The President spoke Monday night about the need for Congress to come together to meet our financial obligations by raising the so-called "debt ceiling" -- that is, to make sure our country can pay the bills Congress has already racked up. You'd think this would be fairly straightforward. For many years, regardless of party affiliation, presidents have asked Congress to do this when it's been necessary -- and every time, Congress has acted. Just as an example, Congress granted Ronald Reagan's request to raise the debt ceiling 18 different times. Here's what's happening: President Obama proposed the balanced approach of raising the debt ceiling paired with responsible steps to reduce our country's long-term debt -- asking oil companies, corporations, and the richest Americans to do their part rather than placing the entire burden on seniors and the middle class. A deal has been close at times, but an ideological faction of House Republicans has been effectively holding our economy hostage -- making extreme demands like ending Medicare as we know it, gutting Social Security, and rejecting any compromises that might make millionaires or big corporations pay their fair share to get our debt under control. So when President Obama spoke to the nation the other night, he made a suggestion to everyone watching: Call Congress and ask them to do their job. Since then, there have been reports that the flood of calls and emails has been slowing down the phone systems and websites on Capitol Hill. Our records show you have only Democratic representatives in Congress. But House Speaker John Boehner -- who is leading the Republicans in negotiations -- needs to hear what Americans like you think. Call Speaker Boehner's office now at (202) 225-0600 -- and tell him we can't afford to let politics hold our economy hostage. It's time to put ideological demands aside and agree to a balanced approach. Then click here to let us know how it went. Here's what the President said on Monday: "The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government. So I'm asking you all to make your voice heard. If you want a balanced approach to reducing the deficit, let your member of Congress know. If you believe we can solve this problem through compromise, send that message." The President doesn't make a direct request of all of us like this very often. Take a minute right now to call Speaker Boehner -- then let us know how it went: Thanks, Messina P.S. -- If you missed it, here's the full video of the President's speech. Watch it and spread the word: |
This email was sent to: My Reponse. Paid for By Obama of America. Enough said. It interesting how Messina made it sound like they were hiswords. Spreading the Obama lies to try and poison the public. It wont happen here because I pay attention. Where exactly is the Obama plan? When has it been voted on? His budget plan did get voted on in the Senate this year and lost 95-0. Not even a single democrat voted for it. He knew then this debt ceiling debate would need to be addressed. His budget plan proved how little he cared about fixing this problem. How about the Senate plan? When has Harry Reids plan been voted on? How can Reid preach to us about his plan and he isent even voting on his own plan? How about a Senate budget plan that hasent happened in 820 days? They dont offer a plan because then they would TELL US what they want. We would then KNOW their agenda. That's why there is no plan, that's why there is no budget. Its ridiculous that the Democrats and this President who put us in this position by spending wildly without a budget for 2 !/2 years now are trying to tell us that its somebody elses fault. The debt ceiling was raised 1.9 trillion Dec 28th 2009. It was then raised again 1.7 trillion in 2010. That is 3.6 trillion that has been spent (waisted) in 19 months. Now the president and dems just want more money to blow without a plan to balance the budget. When will enough be enough to the people who are preaching this presidents views. Our borrowing power is gone. We will be downgraded by S.P. and Moody`s. These rating agencies dont fall for the gimmicks our politicians try to feed us. They see through all of them. We spend to much and right now have no plan to stop. That is why we will be downgraded. The debt ceiling has little to do with it. Interest rates will rise and the country will be effected as we will pay more for everything we spend our money on from our homes to our food. Will that hurt the rich? Of course not. It will hurt all of us who scrape each and every month to eat and keep a roof over our heads. These democrats are doing exactly the opposite of what they say. They are hurting the middle to lower class with these practices. The Tea Party has had enough and they are for stopping this spending spree and BALANCING the budget. To make this out to be some radical cause is just ridiculous. Thank you Doris for the email. I want to know what the other side is saying always. Feel free to forward this email to everyone you know. I enjoy the debate. :) PS: If the democrats were really worried about not defaulting on our debt, those of us on Social Security and our military. They could pass this plan right now. Both houses would vote for it today but Reid will not bring it up for vote and Obama is calling it irresponsible. Rediculous. Here is the link to the Toomey plan. Pat Toomey, a Tea Party republican from Penn fighting to keep SS paid on time. He also put forward a budget that the Senate shot down earlier this year.,0,2320525.story |
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I recieved an email from a friend and I responded to her.
Anybody concerned about defaulting on the debt, Social Security payments, or our active duty military families should be on board with this plan. Penn Tea Party Republican has offerered up this plan that will pay these things first in the event there is no debt ceiling raise. Irresposible Mr. President? I think not. It would be irresponsible "NOT" to pay these things first.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The debt ceiling debate goes on. As the debate nears the final days before the world ends, its amazing to me how there are so many lies and distortions out there. Republicans want Medicare to die, republicans want to play games with our countries future. It amazes me because there are only republican options out there. The Boehner plan that will be voted on today was written by Reid and McConnell from the Senate and Reid acts as if he hates it, saying no Democrats will vote for this Tea Party bill. The Tea Party is the new, racist. The new gonna kill Granny. The new republicans are for the rich. All misleading labels used to poison the people. The fact is there arent any Tea Party people or representatives that think this is even a good bill. So the line that it is a Tea Party bill is just foolish. The fact is the Government has a 7.5% raise in spending built into every new budget year. So as they say they are cutting 1 trillion from the budget in the next 10 years it is just a #`s game that they play. They are cutting into the 7.5% that they are raising. Our budget is 3.6 trillion right now. So in ten years if they kept it at 3.6 (which they wont) we will spend 36 trillion and they say they are cutting spending by 1 trillion. Rediculous. Unless we get to a balanced budget this spending will never stop because they want ALL of our money so they can spend happily ever after. Call every Senator and tell them to pass either the Mack penny plan or the already passed Cut-Cap-Balance bill from the house. The games going on in Washington has to stop. Our childrens futures are riding on it.
Gina asked me the other night why my alarm is set for 5:27am every morning. The reason is that it gets my mind focusing in on the day ahead. This polititian was the creator of the law that pushed the 527 groups to pop up and shape our elections since 2002. It was and is horrible legislation from a horrible Republican. Democrats these days are far, far to the left. In my mind "this" is your mom and dads democrat. Now he talks like this about "true" conservatives. He is one of the many that need to go in Washington. Conservatives dont care what you have to say John.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Whatever your opinion is in the debt ceiling debate. Contact anyone and everyone you want to and let them know how you feel. There isent any plan from the White House. The Senate is offering a plan that is based largely on cuts coming from the wars ending. As if those would be cuts. Harry Reid will not allow a vote on the House "passed" plan of Cut-Cap-Balance. There is another plan being offered by Rep Mack from Florida that "does " cut "real" spending, while balancing the budget in 6 years. This plan moves to the top of my list.
Monday, July 25, 2011
WOW. This is interesting, but its only fair right? ESPN reporting that in the new NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement, The league will begin to redistribute talent. Peyton Manning will move to the Cleveland Browns while retired QB Bernie Kosar will be quarterbacking the Colts. Tom Brady will now lead the Buffalo Bills as Joe Furguson takes over the Patriots job. Its not fair to the owners of some teams and their fans so Its time for these quality teams to pay their fair share and lose more. If the talent redistribution doesent work, wins and losses will be redisributed at the end of the season. It is said then that the Democrats in the house will determine playoff teams, the Senate Democrats will determine the playoff winners, while President Obama ultimitley chooses the Super Bowl winner.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I`m not sure if everyone has noticed, but every plan, e v e r y p l a n has been put forward from the republicans. The gang of 6 has been working on their plan for 10 months. 3 dems, 3 reps. Although it has both sides involved it has no chance of being done by the Aug 3rd date. It is a shame that this president has yet again voted "present" on another huge deal for our country. We will all be better off when he can stay at home for good.
lol. Does anyone even listen to these folks anymore? Balancing the budget somehow now equals "kill medicare". Hey Shumer, how about jobs for your great state. You have run your state into the ground. I wish I could have found the audio or video I heard earlier. Its comedy. Its as if they are sooo much smarter than us.
Thank you Atlantis and thank you to all of the people who had made our Space program the best the world has ever had. American exeptionalism takes another big hit today as we no longer lead the world in space. Its estimated that 50,000 jobs could be lost here in Florida. How many in Houston, Alabama? Its a sad day in America. We now will need to grab the coattails of the Russians.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
202-224-3121 This is the switchboard # for ALL of the Senators in Washington. Sen DeMint put it out there yesterday and said for us to call because they do listen. He said dont just call your Senators, call them all. We should all take the time to call every Senator and tell them to pass the Cut-Cap-Balance plan so this problem can be fixed. If the Senate votes it in. The problem lies solely on this president.
I have had my eye on this pretty close because my concern is that the president will again change the rules and NOT pay our Social Security recipients and NOT our military families. His actions would be to try and pin it on the republicans. It is my belief that if you watch it close enough, the republicans have tried over and over to fix this debt problem OR fix the payment problem. Nothing comes from the left except more taxes and lies. Many, many leaders have stated that ss will be paid as it is not an issue at all in this debate and automatically is paid. Many have said the same about the military. 200 billion will be taken in while the debt, ss, military, other expenditures equal about 165 billion. So there is plenty of money to cover the most important needs. There will be some government expenses that will be effected but those is what SHOULD be effected. Stop spending. Cut-Cap-Balance is a nice plan that should be implemented. Call and email everyone in congress to push these politicians into "fixing" this Washington problem.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
The State of Indiana doing great work. This is and will continue to be the "new" America. Conservative State leaders leading the country with examples that simply can not be dissagreed with. Spread these stories far and wide and lets push more conservatives into office in 2012, while removing Obama.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I am not a big fan of this article. I believe it is written to label the Cut, cap and balance bill as a radical bill. Putting the tea party name on it is trying to distract from the issue. The tea party is a movement, it is not a politician. There are tea party type politicians, but they are not the movement. They are representing the constitutional values of the movement. This is a republican plan being put forward by the house. Any time you hear the "tea party" put into any bill it is trying to label the bill as extremist. We need to always point this out.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I hope the people in Minnesota are being careful. With the government being shut down now for 2 weeks, it must be very tough to get around the streets and sidewalks. There has to be dieing, starving senior citiizens all over the streets, sick children must be laying all over the sidewalks. When anybody gets the pictures of the evil Republicans throwing the Minnesota grannys over the cliff please post them.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Remember the Obama birther chaos. If your not born here, you cant be president. But in Durbins mind it might bring the Hispanic vote in for the Dems. It wont be long before the Hispanic vote starts winning elections here. Its all about votes. But we have that problem on both sides. The country doesent matter. Votes are all that matters.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This speaks for itself. Great news in a state that has needed to be fixed. Your Governor is willing, the country is willing, now you in Ohio need to come to the plate. Newt is not my first choice, but any choice is better than the one we have now. Get Conservative Ohio. The future will look much brighter.
Hopefully Boehner wont cave into this tax happy, spend happy president. I hope he knows that he too will be on the list of republicans to defeat if he does. We need our elected republicans to act like republicans and not be a pushover for these aweful democrats running our country. Let your Senators and congressman know how you feel, how you want them to vote. Then support them big when they do.
An update on the gun smuggling campaign. The most anti-gun president our country has ever seen has no problem giving guns to illegals in Mexico. The Attorney General has completely withheld information in the investigation and heads should be roling. This is a aweful thing that is going on in our country and we all need to pay attention and pressure whoever we need to so this type of practice stops at our highest levels.
Time Magazine,,,,, Another bogus media source that should never be read as factual. We all need to be careful where we get our news and our information from. Our constitution is under seige. It is being degraded by the people who are trying to change our history. The 3rd clip is a little long, but if you can stomach the girls on the view you will hear the first ladies words again , nearly word for word, showing that there is an agenda in this White House.
A few things to update the battle in Wisconsin. Lets not let this State down. Governor Walker is fighting the good fight along with the conservative representatives that have been elected there. Help support them in their efforts to lead our great nation and turn around the "big union, class warfare" mentality of the left.
Who in this great country would listen to this devout communist. When we start voting out these politicians and start voting in more conservative canidates, we can then have a "real" conversation on important matters like Social Security. When the masses in Washington worry more about the entitlement programs because they are worried about votes, we will continue to have financial issues in our country. We need to elect representatives who will be fiscally responsible first, which in turn will help "all" people for generations to come.
Way to go NC. An excellent move to defund liberal policies that continue to take our country down. Everone should write these representatives in NC and let them know we support them. When they fight the good fight they need to be commended.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Unfortunately unemployment is a friend to this administration and the left. While their policies keep people unemployed they can then give the gifts that buy votes. Ultimately it is the weak and poor that choose our representatives and take down our country. It has happened in our great cities and our great states and it is now happening in our great country. Elect Constitutional Conservatives from here on and lets clean up the mess in Washington.
Friday, July 8, 2011
We all stand with you Governor. The borders arent important to this president or the last, yet putting a child rapist, killer to death was. Our country is upside down when both parties cant seem to protect out citizens. Remember this when 2012 comes along. We need to elect a president that will protect our borders. Great job Arizona. I stand with you.
As the debt ceiling debate goes on, I certainly hope that the Republicans in the debate sound like our Great Senator here in Florida. If the Republicans give away the ranch again by bowing to the President and his tax more, spend more mentality, we need to remember these Republican leaders in the future and make sure we elect true Conservatives like Rubio and DeMint. Stay focused, stay informed.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
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